A Portrait of the Graffiti Writer as a Young Man

Author: Josh Daniels

Spotlighting: Laurynas Buzinskas | Chicago Graffiti Writer | Mural Artist

Your Everyday Heroes has been proud to spotlight the inspiring story of spray paint graffiti writer Laurynas Buzinskas. We were drawn to him not only because of his obvious talent in graffiti tagging, but because of his ability to turn his once-illegal passion into a legitimate career.

We believe that a great deal of our audience will relate to his story, and we hope you come away from it with a greater drive to fulfill your own destinies.

It is not his graffiti tagging skill that makes Laurynas an everyday hero. It is what he uses his skill for. He paved his own way, never giving up on his dream even when it seemed like his naysayers were right.

Before getting into his story, we’d like to plug his company Yolocone Graphics. Take one look at the linked portfolio, and you’ll have a good idea of what Laurynas is capable of as a graffiti writer.

A Portrait of the Graffiti Writer as a Young Man

For Laurynas, getting to where he is now was no easy process, especially considering the inherent risk of his passion: spray paint graffiti. As a youth in Vilnius, Lithuania, he would stay out all night honing his graffiti tagging, living a fast life that seemed like it could only end badly. And it almost did. After graffiti tagging trains with his friend, Laurynas caught a case that nearly landed him two years in prison, something he was thankfully able to avoid.

While many would view this instance as a failure, Laurynas chose to use it as an opportunity to turn his life around. But how could he walk on the right side of the law when his love was something that violated it? Not sure what to do with his life, he attended art school.

While he wasn’t expecting much from college, he was shocked at how much it changed him. With academic training, he was able to bring to life the art he had in his head. Suddenly, his skillset was no longer limited to graffiti tagging. He could paint beautiful murals that still managed to incorporate the spray paint graffiti elements that he initially fell in love with.

Before long, he landed a job as a graphic designer in Lithuania, finally getting paid to make art. However, Laurynas has never been one to limit himself. He wanted to move to the U.S., to see in-person where graffiti originated. Convinced that his experience as a graphic designer would get him a steady job in the arts, he headed for Chicago. However, he soon found out the American dream isn’t all it’s made out to be.