A Guide To Cleaning Granite Headstones

Author: William Biggs

If you have visited a cemetery recently, you may have noticed that headstones can gather all types of dirt and stains due to the weather and surrounding grounds. These stains can build up over time and can actually lead to mold and mildew growth. Granite is a hard stone that is often selected for monuments because it is beautiful and long lasting. If your loved one has a granite headstone, these are the cleaning instructions you should be following:

1. Give the headstone a thorough once over to check for signs of damage. If you notice cracking, delaminating, flaking or other weak areas, you should proceed with caution – don’t put more stress on an area that is already damaged, as it will lead to more issues.

2. We recommend the use of non-ionic cleaners for granite headstones, as they don’t produce harmful salts (which can stain). Either way, choose your cleaners carefully and test them in a small, hidden area first to ensure that it doesn’t stain.

3.Fill a bucket with clean water. If there is a water source nearby (such as a tap), a hose can be very useful in rinsing as you work. If there is no water source available, try to bring several buckets with you so that you can have clean water on hand at all times.

  1. 4.In the first bucket, combine a quarter of a cup of your chosen cleaner with around 4 litres of water. Dunk some natural sponges and non-metallic scrubbing brushes (we recommend a variety of stiffness levels) into the water to ensure that they are thoroughly wetted.
  2. 5.Work from the bottom of the granite headstone to the top, as this will help to avoid streaking. Rinse the surface frequently to remove any running water. You should also rinse out your sponges and brushes regularly to dislodge any dirt and debris.
  3. 6.If you come across areas with heavy build up, mix together one part glycerin and one part water in another bucket. Create a poultice by mixing the solution with some porcelain clay, then apply it to the build up and cover with plastic wrap.
  4. 7.We recommend taping down the edges of the wrap to ensure that the poultice remains moist. Allow the headstone to sit for a few hours or even overnight, then remove the wrap. You should be able to gently scrub away at the build up with wooden spatula.

8.If you are looking for a natural way to keep your headstone clean, why not try snails? They actually feast on mold, mildew and other growths that cause the granite to look discoloured and damaged.

As you can see, cleaning granite headstones is actually quite a simple process once you know what you’re doing. Just make sure that you never use household cleaners, soaps or detergents (such as bleach, laundry detergents and dish detergents). You should also avoid acids (such as muriatic and phosphoric), as they can cause serious damage to the granite. If you have any concerns or are dealing with an old headstone, we recommend contacting a professional.