What Is Enterprise Resource Planning?

Author: Rexo Erp

In the world of IT, you've probably heard the term ERP a lot. Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP for short, is a software application platform that businesses use to easily integrate, manage, and facilitate business activities on a single platform, enhancing the effectiveness of the entire organization.

ERP software services are appropriate for all enterprises, regardless of the size of the organization or the nature of the organization's operation. It can be used successfully in both small and large businesses, as well as those in several locations. ERP ensures that all departments are brought onto the same platform and are empowered and driven by the Systems defined process, which in turn drives the business. As a result, it smoothly drives and combines all organizational business activities.

To make management decisions about the firm in real time, management needs data and information. ERP offers significant data and reports in real-time, giving visibility to all organizational operations, and greatly aids management in making decisions.

It is challenging to think that in the past, management would request reports to make business-related choices, and it would take several days for the reports to be created by a separate dedicated department. The MIS department would request information from various departments, compile it, create reports, and send them to management, by which point the information was outdated. ERP today offers real-time data reports at any moment with the push of a button.

The reports always had errors and mistakes because the computation and collation were done manually. Furthermore, because the report was only available in one format, individuals had to start from scratch to compute the subsequent set of reports if management requested extra data or a different kind of report.

It was discovered that the majority of firms had to establish a specialized MIS department with dedicated resources to collect data from all sources and create manual reports for submission to management. This would invariably be delayed, which would have an impact on the management's ability to make timely business choices.

ERP has successfully changed businesses and elevated them to new levels. The time when MIS reports would take many days to generate is long gone. Reports may now be prepared for any department and at any level in a matter of minutes. Due to the fact that today's departments are run by automated processes rather than by manual intervention, their efficacy and efficiency have grown across the board.

With the advent of ERP, corporations now operate their businesses differently. Internal business processes are now governed and enabled by systems rather than by persons. This eliminates the possibility of a delay or bottleneck in any department because it will immediately hold up any subsequent procedures that depend on it. As a result, the organization's levels and processes are all highly visible. Furthermore, the seamless integration enables management to have control and make both micro and macro decisions by delivering real-time reports at the press of a button.