Meaning of Pest - What is a Pest?
What Is The Meaning Of Pest?
What Is The Meaning Of Pest?
Meaning of Pest In the plant world refer to dangerous species that live on plants. A pest makes the plants unfit for harvest. Although most of these organisms tend to be insects, some fungi or plants might be pests as well.
Any field can be subject to diseases. Some organisms are harmless but mostly are dangerous to the roots, leaves and overall health of a plant.
That is why it is important to trim plants carefully and take the necessary precautions and proper control.Hope you got an answer for the query meaning of pest. Thousands of various types of pests are there and are dangerous to humans. They carry disease-causing parasites.
Cater pillars and grasshoppers attack and eat vegetable and cereal crops. Rats and Mice damage stored food.
And eat grain rice or biscuits in shops, homes and contaminate food. Pests damage clothing also. Termites cause considerable damage to timber in buildings. Bed bugs bite people and people will become infected.
Pest Control Management :
An unwanted species can be a pest. Any organism that reduces a human resource’s availability, quality or value is a pestilence.
This classification does not in any way reflect the position of the organism in the natural ecosystem. But is more of an indication that it is in conflict with humans. The debate on Non-native Plant Removal involves plant diseases, also the weeds.Organisms often rise to pest status because the natural regulating agents escape normal control. It directly or indirectly goes into a new region or by human activities that reduce or remove their natural enemies ‘ output.
Without a control on population growth, organisms can quickly reach levels and cause damage and thus become pests, e.g., locust spreads and clears bare landscapes.
Thus, pest management is a method to reduce the number of diseases to an acceptable limit. In most cases, an acceptable entry refers to an economically justifiable entry.
Methods of Pest Control are :
Chemical Methods for Pest Control :
Chemicals (e.g., insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides) may be broad (non-selective) or narrow (selective) and may be either organic or inorganic. Chemicals used to control the pests can act as nerve toxins (for insects and mammals) and regulators/inhibitors to growth.
They can also affect the pest ; these include releasing chemicals to interfere with mating and breeding.
Chemical pesticides might be toxic to non-target organisms including the natural enemies of the pest, which can last in the environment affecting water supply, soil productivity, and air quality, and can affect throughout the food chain as well.Because of a number of reasons, including those listed in the Chemical and Cultural pages, reducing the effectiveness of natural enemies also enables potential pest species to undergo practically uncontrolled population growth and allows them to achieve pest status. Biological control includes the use of natural enemies of a plant (for example, viruses, larvae, and parasites) to regulate the increase of pests.
Measures are there to preserve or maximize the effect of natural enemies. Maybe biological control is the most well known for introducing natural enemies, often from the region of origin of the disease, to fight non-native pests (e.g. importing vedalia bettles to control cotton cushion scales that eat away citrus orchards). A number of safeguards are needed before measures are implemented to ensure that imported organisms do not present additional threats to non-target organisms.
Cultural Pest Control :
The usefulness of natural enemies may be affected by human activities. The use of pesticides kill both natural enemies and target pest species, plant type, crop environment and crop practices.
Modern varieties of crops also create conditions that support pesticides (e.g., Plants with deep fruit make the pests unreachable to natural enemies). Plants are single-crop varieties, creating a diverse ecosystem that often loses the main requirements of the natural enemies and favors insect species.
Many harvesting activities often stop natural enemies from living in annual crops. Cultural activities supporting natural enemies and avoiding the survival of pests include intercropping (multiples crops in the same field) to make it difficult for pests to reach the host plant, planting trap crops that pests strip harvests from crops and then treat them with selected pesticides and delaying seedling times to match with severe pests.
Physical Pest Control :
The physical barrier may be removed or built manually or mechanically to remove pests and insects. Techniques of removal include the use of animal traps, insect sticky cards, the manual removal of insects from plants (i.e. by hand picking or spraying with a hose), the removal of contaminated products or diseased (i.e. branches or waste removal). Physical barriers such as fences, nets and tree trunk guards can prevent and limit damage.
Genetic Pest Control :
Genetic changes to reduce the effects of pests are not as well accepted or as other control measures are available publicly. Autocide is a genetic control that needs the use of the insect itself to increase mortality.
Sterile males join the population, which produces infertile eggs after they have been partnered with females. This is an expensive choice with many disadvantages, including chances of reduced economic profits of the introduction of sterile males among naturally occurring fertile males.
Direct genetic engineering to create pesticide- plant species is another way of controlling pesticides. Nevertheless, genetic engineering research and development is expensive. It also has other difficulties in understanding health and environmental issues. Hope you got the answer for meaning of pest.
Related Questions to Meaning of Pest :
1.What is the Definition of Pest Control?
Pest control is regulating or managing a species that is defined can be a pest, an animal kingdom member that adversely affects human activity. This can be achieved by controlling the crop, adding only insecticides where needed, and developing pest-resistant varieties and crops.
2.What is the Meaning of an Insect?
Insects are not a threat to human society. But pests cause harm to humans in some way and either is a plant or animal harmful to human or concerns including crops, livestock, and forestry. The term also refers to the trouble-causing organisms, such as in the home.
3.What is a Pest?
Meaning of pest in short is any organism that spreads disease, causes destruction or is a disturbance otherwise. Examples of pests include mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds. Sources of beneficial insects include dragonflies (which mostly prey on mosquitoes) and lady beetles (which eat aphids, scale insects, mites and other insects).
5.What are the three Methods of Pest Control?
Many techniques of pest control are available at present, as mentioned above, but they can be loosely grouped into six categories: hygienic, biological, chemical, physical, fumigation, and heat treatment.
5.Is Cockroach a Pest?
Cockroaches belong to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta and Order Blattaria.