PC Not Turning On – 10 Possible Solutions from Computer Geeks Redlands

Author: Simple Pc Repairs

When you find that your PC is not turning on, your first reaction will be panic. But, relax; the computer not turning on need not have to be catastrophic in all instances. It can be a glitch that you can fix yourself says computer geeks Redlands. The reason is that your PC might not restart due to different reasons that range from an issue with Windows to a simple improper cable connection.

Possible Solutions:

Experts in computer repairs Logan suggest the 10 possible solutions. You can try one of these solutions one after another to gain the satisfaction of rectifying your PC not turning on yourself:

  1. Your PC might not be turning on because it does not get electricity from the power socket. If this is the issue, trying to connect your PC to another power socket will resolve the issue with ease.
  2. The issue might be caused by damage to your PC’s power cable. So, you can try using a different power cable to power your PC.
  3. If your PC is a laptop, a complete battery drain might be the reason. Just plug in the laptop and let it charge for at least halfanhour before trying to start it.
  4. The motherboard of some computers issues a set of beeps when starting up. For instance, a single beep may mean that all is well, while a continuous and long-tone couple denotes a critical issue in the power supply. To spot what error your system points out, look at the user manual.
  5. Do you feel that your computer runs fine but nothing is displaying on the screen, make sure that the screen and the CPU are connected properly? Also, check whether the monitor is properly turned on. Further, check whether the brightness of the monitor has been accidentally set to zero.
  6. Do you feel that your PC appears to do something? However, it is not proceeding to boot to Windows, it can happen for different reasons. You can start with the BIOS of your PC. In the present day PCs, it has been replaced with UEFI as well. You can get to know which key to press to get to the UEFI/BIOS Setup for your PC.
  7. A basic rule to troubleshoot is to get rid of as many variables as possible.
  8. Make sure that nothing including peripherals and cables has become loose
  9. Check for the presence of a virus on ransomware.
  10. Finally, try to reboot your system from a USB drive and not an internal hard drive.

If nothing above works out for your computer repairs Brisbane, you can get help from one of the best computer geeks.

Simple PC Repairs provides same day onsite mobile geek service and repairs for your PC or Mac. We have computer technicians all across greater Brisbane. Onsite Computer Geeks are here to help with all your computer, laptop or mobile repair needs, in Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and Gold Coast. For more details about Computer Repairs Brisbane please visit our website.