Let Your Little Flowers Bloom In The Waukesha Pre-School

Author: Webmaster Jacky

The preschool years are full of fun and excitement when your child needs quality time to develop. The little children are just like lovely flowers and they have to be nurtured to ensure their all-round development. The 4k preschool in waukesha provides just the same. This school is not just a learning platform but it also offers other facilities to the tiny tots:

  • It has its own license and it has caring teachers who look after newborns who are six months old and children below twelve years.
  • There are special 4k sessions in the mornings and in the evenings.
  • Waukesha child care also maintains the reputation of being one of those child care schools which provide complete security all throughout the days and evenings, and state of the art type of safety equipments and ensuring constant invigilation for the betterment of the children.

The yummy delights: why children like the waukesha day care?

The lawrence school provides delicious and nutritious food items for the children and they have special lunch and breakfast menus for each of the twelve months in a year. Right from milk, toast, vegetables, and fibre-rich cereals to fruits and poultry products, this school leaves no room open for any complaints from the parents’ side.

The lunch and snack menus are displayed on the school website in each month, and the parents can easily download the menu, to keep a track of what their children are eating.

The registration and the fees: the investment is worth it

If you are a working father or mother, and you are concerned about the rate and fees structure of the lawrence school, then you must not be disappointed, because you should only be concerned about your child’s safety and educational development. Waukesha 4k has arranged for the latest provision where you can register within the month of july, to avail a discount of twenty percent on the tuition fees till september. There are also special credits for your child. For instance, if your child attends classes for two days, then you can use total four credits.

How can you contact the teachers?

Waukesha pre-school teachers are always very cooperative and friendly with the children and the parents can easily leave their wards in their control.

They know how to deal patiently with the toddlers, and the teachers can also provide first aid to the child in case of any minor accident.