Things You Should Know About Web Development

Author: Webomind Apps

When it comes to web development, it’s considered to be the most important way towards creating websites and apps for a private network also known as an intranet. The process of website development service is something that is not just about designing and also creating a website’s layout but also focuses on performing coding work that has a direct role in controlling the overall functionality of a website.

Front-End and Back-End Webs Development

Web development is mainly categorized into front-end and back-end development. Therefore, web developers should be aware of the exact meaning of both of these to perform quality work.

When it comes to front-end development, it involves developing everything that client can see directly whereas back-end development involves the fabrication of the infrastructure that upholds the same properly. The front end involves the user interface. Back-end, on the other hand, indicates that the server app, and also database works in the background for sending data to clients.

Developers can create a front end with the use of a combination of technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. These developers can develop various user experience components in the app or web page, which includes buttons, dropdowns, connections, pages, and procedures.

As far as the back end is concerned, it is also known as server-side, which includes the server that delivers various details on request, applications that channel it, and also a database that can arrange data properly.

What are Web Development Technologies?

To perform web development, developers need to work with various technologies. Some of these technologies are mentioned as follows.


As one of the crucial technologies for web development, HTML is one of the important elements for websites. It’s also popular as a front-end language and also offers the basic frameworks of a website mainly through a series of tags.


JavaScript is another technology that enables you to add and also implement a range of elements on various web pages. It enables you to add features such as 2D/3D graphics, interactive maps, etc, to the website and makes the task of developers easy and convenient.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS is another emerging technology for web development that helps developers set the style and thus determines the overall appearance of your website. Without using this technology, you can’t give the desired appearance of your web page.

Web Development Tools that Developers Leverage Most Frequently

Web developers also leverage various tools for different purposes. Some of these tools are;

  • HubSpot CMS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime Text
  • Chrome DevTools
  • CodeCharge Studio
  • TestRail
  • Embolden
  • Linx