Running Shorts For Men
Runners generally have no equipment other than their clothing and shoes which makes choosing the right pair of clothing extremely important. There are two varieties of running shorts for men that a runner can buy. The traditional ones are loose fitting and have a moisture absorbing liner, while compression ones fit across the skin tightly, increasing blood flow to a runner’s muscles. Different runners prefer to buy running shorts for men as per their needs and what they feel suits them the best.
For any and every physical activity like cycling, trekking, hiking, rock climbing, going for a run et cetera, what’s most important is the preparation and using the right gear, equipment and clothing. No athlete can excel in his/her sport or enjoy his/her hobby without using the proper equipment and clothing. Imagine a professional soccer player, playing while wearing flip flops and jeans. In the exact same way these garmentsplay the exact same role, what spiked shoes play for soccer players. A runner needs to be focused on what he is meant do and he won’t be able to do that until he is comfortable in what he is wearing.
Peak PerformanceCompression tights help reduce muscle oscillation and increase blood circulation by using elasticity of spandex. The benefits are relatively minute, but even these minute benefits can make huge difference for runners trying to shave off seconds of a personal best. Compression tights also cause less soreness which indicates a benefit to recovery. Compressive clothing keeps muscles in place during motion which increases efficiency.
Both the varieties are made up of same basic materials which largely comprises of polyester and nylon as these synthetic fibers prevent the buildup of perspiration. Spandex is also used in the compression tights as it stretches easily and is one of the most resilient fabrics. These materials are ubiquitous among running gear manufacturers and are specifically engineered for athletic clothing. These are the fabrics which a runner has to look for while buying these garments.
Simple and Traditional
The traditional and loose short allows full range of movement for a runner’s stride and is a simple piece of synthetic garment. They keep you comfortable and cool during your jog and workout as they are extremely loose fitting. Many of these garments for males are designed in a way that they contain a supportive liner for a comfortable and secure fit. They also have small security pockets for items like iPods and keys.
Ultimately, the benefits of both varieties of short are far less important than a runner’s concentration and pacing. A runner has to try both to figure out which one suits him best for his routine. The most comfortable one will aid his overall performance substantially as the runner will be able to focus solely on his stride without getting distracted by his clothing.