Must-Do Topics in Biology for NEET

Author: Tuto Root

Every student who dreams of being a doctor or joining a medical college has to clear their NEET exams to be eligible for admissions in the top institutes. This makes the NEET exam increasingly competitive as more people apply and fight for the same number of seats.

A standard Online NEET Preparation paper consists of questions on Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Luckily if your biology section is strong, you can easily score 50% of the total marks. 360 out of 720 marks are all based on the 11th and 12th CBSE biology syllabus. To save your time, you should first focus on complete the crucial topics and then go through the entire syllabus to maximise your preparation efficiency.

Here are the important topics of Biology:

Class 11th:

  1. Plant Kingdom: General characteristics and differences between various plants. E.g. the Difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms, multiple types of algae and different kinds of pigments.
  2. Biological classification of the animal kingdom: of Fungi, Monera, other animal kingdom examples given in NCERT
  3. Structural organisation in plants and animals, including the anatomy of root, stem and leaf. Functions of various animal tissues
  4. Cell: Structure & Functions: Various constituents of the cell, including mitochondria, nucleus, chromosomes, ribosomes, chloroplasts. Function like meiosis and mitosis.
  5. Plant physiology: C3, C4 cycle; Kranz anatomy, Nitrogen cycle, Glycolysis and Krebs cycle. Focus on all the cycles and its diagram given in NCERT.
  6. Animal/Human Physiology: Every topic, including a diagram, cell constituents, makes sure you read and learn everything in the NCERT. Most of the questions come from diagrams or an underlying idea stated around it in summary etc.

Class 12th:

  1. Reproduction: Reproductive process in plants and animals including menstrual cycle, Gametogenesis in plants and humans, Conditions like Polyembryony, Parthenocarpy.
  2. Genetics & evolution: Types of genetic disorders, various cross including dihybrid cross, Codominance, Pedigree Analysis, Theory of Human Evolution.
  3. Biotechnology: Biomolecules, various process and application, Gene Therapy, Insulin etc.
  4. Biology in human welfare: Immunity and its functions in humans, diseases such as AIDS and Cancer.
  5. Ecology and environment: How adaptations happen, All Biogeochemical cycles, population interaction and various Environmental issues.

Make sure that you revise all diagrams and tables on the NCERT books, learn various genetic combinations for dihybrid crosses, practice questions and take the help of a trusted resource if you find yourself confused or overwhelmed.

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