The Perks Of Using Knock-Down Furniture

Author: Globe Trucking

What if your furniture was seasonal? What if it could be put away like winter clothing, until the next winter? What if it was delivered in small boxes rather than big trucks? What if you could carry your coffee table home like a handbag?

Well….why not? While we all love our furniture it’s not mandatory to live with it 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s nice to be able to stow away a few chairs and tables in the loft or under the bed to make room for your little one’s Lego party.

Companies like Ikea and standalone designers have opened up a plethora of options in Knock-down furniture which were not available to us before. Today, furniture is like buying clothes. It lines the shelves of the warehouse while most brands have experience centers or websites to sell online.

Your entire house can fit into one truck with room to spare. That’s the beauty of Knock-down furniture. For people who had dreamed of becoming carpenters, this is a quasi-experience in handling tools. Nothing can be more satisfying than putting your family room coffee table together yourself and even better if the family was involved in the process. You not only put together furniture but also memories and stories to be narrated around the same coffee table for years to come. Knock-down furniture comes with fringe benefits. The topmost being shipping and logistics costs. Cost of ordering online is a fraction of what it would cost to otherwise buy a built-up unit. These savings are pushing companies to innovate, design, and manufacture more Knock-down units and households to buy more and more such furniture. Online furniture sellers are focusing on adding more KD furniture than ever before, as it not only allows them better margins but also ensures substantial savings and better logistics management for the end audiences. After all, who doesn’t like a bit of savings?

The concept of Knock-down furniture can only work if it comes with clear instructions and the ease of putting it together. Units that are complicated lose the plot for they don’t get built right, get damaged while building or don’t get built at all. Therefore, the key to designing a functional yet aesthetically pleasing piece is to keep it as simple as possible. One way of doing so is to integrate the joinery detail as a part of the design.

Another view says that solid wood and solid wood and metal Knock-down furniture works out better in the long run, for it is sturdier and can be put together and dismantled multiple times without any issues.

The pandemic has pushed all of us to reconfigure spaces for multitasking. It has also taught us that nothing is constant. Therefore, it’s important that we respond to change quickly and efficiently. Knock-down furniture helps us do that. Knock-down furniture answers an age old need differently.