What Should You Look For In Wholesale Coffee Suppliers

Author: Seven Seeds Roastery

Coffee is an important part of my life. It's not just a beverage; it can be an experience and a ritual. I want the best experience possible, which is why I'm so picky about the wholesale coffee suppliers Melbourne I use—and what brand they come from!

High-quality coffee beans

When searching for a wholesale coffee suppliers Melbourne, it's important to look for one that can provide you with high-quality beans that have been roasted and stored properly. How do you determine quality? Let's take a closer look:

  • Country of origin: The country where the beans were grown is important because it influences everything from taste to price. Countries like Colombia and Ethiopia are known for their flavorful coffees, while Brazil tends to produce milder flavours. The best way to know if a particular country produces good beans is by trying some yourself!
  • Roasting process: Roasting makes all the difference when it comes to flavour profiles—a light roast won't be as strong as a darker roast would be—and can even affect how your customers perceive their cup of joe (for example, darker roasts tend not only taste better but also appear more expensive). This can impact how much profit you'll make off them when selling them at retail prices later on down the line!
  • Direct trade

    If you're interested in purchasing wholesale coffee, it's important to find a supplier who will give you the same quality of the product that they would sell to their customers. One way to ensure this is through direct trade.

    Direct trade coffee is traded directly between the coffee producer and roaster. This helps build relationships between producers and roasters, which can help build community among farmers and create more sustainable business practices overall.

    It's also an ethical way of sourcing because it gives farmers more money for their product (because they're not paying middlemen), meaning they can invest more into their farms, communities, and futures.

    Great service

    While you can find a lot of information online, it’s always best to talk to someone who has been in business for years.

    While it is tempting to go with the low bidder on any contract, you have to remember that they will be providing you with the product or service that they are selling. Therefore, make sure that whatever company you buy from has great customer service and quality products.

    A good coffee beans melbourne should have knowledgeable staff members who are willing to assist with any questions or concerns that may arise during your relationship together as well as being able to provide fast delivery times so that your customers do not have long wait times between placing an order and receiving their shipment (which can cause them not only losing sales but potentially going elsewhere).


    If you're looking to buy wholesale coffee, you should look at not only the quality of the beans but also their origins. It is important that your wholesale coffee suppliers Melbourne engage in direct trade because this will help them source their coffee from local farmers and reduce environmental impact.