App Promotion through Instagram Ads

Author: Rajesh Sharma

Instagram is a well-known platform for expressing yourself in a classic way. Not only for the personal life but is it also useful for professional life also. You might be thinking about how it will help in professional life? Well, many of you are unaware that this platform is really helpful in marketing your application. For this, you need to consider Instagram Ads.

Here I will share the knowledge of using Instagram advertising for the app promotion. This social media networking also announces that soon it will launch a standalone e-commerce app. This app will focus on shopping.

Instagram has shown a remarkable progress in the internet marketing world. In the present era, using this platform, international and local brands are making their presence. Now let’s see some of the basic marketing strategies related to Instagram Sponsored Ads.

Reason for using Instagram:

As compared to the other social media platforms Instagram is having the highest interaction rate. It is in the trending so a majority of users access this and spend time on this platform. From this, you can imagine that what Instagram Sponsored Posts can add value to your marketing work. As per the study, there are 80% of the users follow more than one business or brand which is a big contribution. 60% of people are introduced to a new product on Instagram.

Instagram Ads:

Now we will talk about how to promote the application using the Instagram Ads. The Insta-Ads is a new option and every business class person can use this application. It’s an easy way to promote and advertise on Instagram for gaining popularity.

Generally, users see Instagram ads while scrolling for the media feeds. Sometimes sponsored ads are also on image feed. Other business profiles use these post and ads to promote the product and services.

Instagram Ads Types:

There are different types of Ads on Instagram:

  • Image Ads: In the image ad post, there is a basic normal post with which most of the users are familiar but this should be used at a minimum.
  • Video Ads: In the video ad posts there is sound and motion. The duration of the video advertisement is 30 seconds. It is a great way through which you can make your target audience excited. Out of the four Instagram ads, one is being videoed advertisement as it a popular way.
  • Carousel Ads: The other type is a carousel-type which enables the business profile to add many images. This leads to the user to swipe to see all the content. With the single ad, you can post several photos and videos.
  • Story Ads: From the name itself you can predict that it is a story based advertisement. With the daily user base, they have over 200 million users.
Call to action role:

Instagram ads offer various "Call to Action" options to the user. "Install Now" is the most popular CTA option among them. This leads to driving app downloading number when there is a new app.

There are other CTA options like Watch More/Watch Video, Book Now/Sign Up and Learn more. These CTA options are preferably used with a video Ad post. This is done by showing a user a short 30 seconds clip and then with the help of "watch more" button request them to watch the complete video. The Learn more CTA option can be used in image ad post and video ad post. Coming to the last CTA which is a book now or Sign-up where an initiation is being suggested for the end-user.

Why use Instagram Ads?

User Attention:

There is a use of native style format which means that sponsored advertisement post will display in between the user’s image feed. It is due to this reason more attention is given to the Instagram app sponsored ads.

CTR –Click-Through-Right:

Instagram offers the great CTRs to its users which is a great click-through rate on the post. This CTR is also playing an important role when apps placing iOS app store or Android. Also, focus on App Store Optimization techniques.

like using the right keyword, apps video demo etc.

These Instagram Ads are a useful strategy which unlocks the answer of how to promote the App on Instagram. I hope you get useful information which will help you out in marketing on Instagram.