Google AD Strategy For Business

Author: Venkat Rocky

Google AD- (511 Digital Marketing)

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7 PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Mistakes to Avoid

Pay-per-click advertising can be extremely rewarding, and many people make six-figure incomes online. But, PPC can also be extremely confusing. By avoiding these seven PPC mistakes, you can increase your profits while reducing unnecessary costs.

1. Not using keyword match types properly:

The keyword match type is one of the most important aspects of your PPC strategy. It's the single most important factor in determining whether or not your ads are getting clicked, and it's also the most likely to be overlooked.

The problem with keyword match types is that advertisers and agency managers often misunderstand them. They're so commonly misunderstood that we've created a simple guide to help you understand them better:

Broad Match: This keyword match type allows you to target all possible keyword variations in the ad text or headline. For example, if you're running an ad for "dog food" and you have a broad match set to "dog," then your ad will show up for searches like "dog food" or "dog food for dogs."

Phrase Match: This keyword match type allows you to target exact phrases on Google's search engine — like "cheap dog food" instead of the broad match "all types of dog food." If you're running an ad for "cheap dog food," your ad will only appear if someone searches for "cheap dog food."

2. Not using negative keyword lists efficiently: Negative keyword lists are a great way to ensure your ads aren't wasting money on irrelevant searches. But if you're not using them efficiently, you could end up paying for clicks that generate no revenue.

Negative keyword lists are lists of search queries that your ad will never appear against. These can be used to exclude certain types of searches or to reduce the number of keywords that appear in your ads.

For example, if you run a store that sells clothes, you might want to use negative keywords that exclude people searching for terms like "jumpsuits." You wouldn't want to show an ad for jumpsuits if someone searched for something else like "dresses."

3. Not matching keywords to ad copy: It's important to check your keywords with the right ads. Otherwise, you're wasting money. Targeting a broad audience and not just a small niche is even more important. If you want to reach the most people, use general keywords that will bring in lots of traffic. For example, if you sell skin care products, you probably want to target "skin care" or "beauty." But if you're looking to reach people interested in selling used cars, you might want to target "used car" instead.If you only have one ad for each keyword, then that's fine; just choose the first one in Google's AdWords search results and make sure it matches your keyword exactly (for example: "used cars"). However, if there are multiple ads for a given keyword (say an auto dealer has three ads), then pick the one with the highest bid and make sure it matches your keyword exactly (for example, "automobile").4. Focusing on average position: There are many kinds of digital marketing, but the primary one you'll see on your site is SEO — Search Engine Optimization. That's because it's the most effective way to get your content in front of as many people as possible.SEO is also known as link building, which means building links to your site from other sites that have authority in the search engine results pages (SERPs). The more links you have pointing to your site, the better your chance of ranking higher in search results.5. Not using audiences to their full potential: The most important thing you can do for your business is to use marketing to its full potential.Marketing is all about connecting with people; there are three big things marketers can do to achieve this.Content marketing - content that brands create themselves, such as blog posts and videos. This is a great way to connect with your target audience, but it needs to be updated regularly.Guest posting - contributing to other people's blogs by sharing a piece of content that helps them reach their target audience. This is a great way to get your brand exposure and build relationships with other industry experts.Influencer marketing is working with people with a large online following (either on social media or other ways) to promote your brand or product. This is a good option if you have something new or exclusive that people would be interested in hearing about from someone like this person rather than from you directly.6. Not using device bid modifiers: The device bid modifier is a way to increase your response rate by targeting specific devices. This can be done by adding a device bid modifier to your campaign. When you add the device bid modifier, it will show up in the bid box as an additional bid amount.For example, if you were running a campaign on Facebook and wanted to target mobile users, you would add a bid modifier for mobile devices. This will allow you to target users using a smartphone or tablet instead of desktop computers.You can also add device bid modifiers for other platforms like Twitter and Instagram if you want to target specific platforms or devices.7. Not bidding on your brand keywords: There are many ways to get your brand and products found online in the digital marketing world. Every week we see new strategies being used to help businesses grow their business.But before you start implementing any of these strategies, you need to make sure you're following some basic tips. The first tip is to not bid on your brand keywords.This is something that many businesses do, but it's a big mistake. You're wasting money if you bid on your brand keywords and have no results.If someone searches for "your business name" and doesn't find your site, then it will not help your rankings, which means less traffic from search engines like Google or Bing.
