7 Shocking Myths About Digital Marketing – Businesses Must Know

Author: Brand Boyz

"Digital marketing offers umpteen possibilities for businesses to thrive in the online marketing arena." Is this a fact or just another myth that you are hearing about digital marketing? Hard to decide! Right? Are there any aspects of the world that are devoid of myths? Well, everything looks like a cock-and-bull story because of misconceptions that get shrouded with false information. The facts we’re about to share with you all on myths about digital marketing will startle you!

In digital marketing, there are many myths that circulate around the world of online marketing, both in terms of content and practice. What’s more, businesses continue to believe these myths when they shouldn’t be, leading them astray in their digital marketing efforts and wasting their hard-earned money.

Digital marketing has evolved drastically over the last decade, with the number of marketing channels and platforms growing exponentially. While it’s important to be aware of and keep up with these trends, you may also find that misconceptions and myths about digital marketing are prevalent throughout the industry, making it difficult to discern what’s true and what’s false information.

In this blog post, we’ll dispel some of the most common myths about digital marketing in order to help you separate fact from fiction so that you can make informed decisions about your business’s digital presence in the future and get the most out of your marketing dollars.

Get The Inside Scoop On Digital Marketing Myths - Businesses Beware!Myth #1: SEO has passed its prime

This is one of the most popular myths about digital marketing but it couldn't be more wrong. Search engine optimization (SEO) is still a very effective method of attracting traffic to your website. It's just not as easy to rank for keywords as it was before because Google has made its algorithm more sophisticated, which means that you need to try harder and put in a lot more effort if you want your site to rank high on the search engines.

For example, nowadays, there are many websites with similar content that are competing for the same keyword so for your site to rise above them in search rankings, you will need unique and original content as well as excellent social media skills.

Read: Most Effective Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Small BusinessMyth #2: Organic social media posts do nothing for your business

The notion that organic social media marketing is ineffective is the next misconception on our list of digital marketing myths. You might think that your organic social-media posts do nothing for your business, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Simply put, people are more likely to buy something from a brand they're following on Facebook or Instagram because they're familiar with it and trust what the brand has to say.

Additionally, when customers interact with your organic posts by commenting or liking a post, this signals to other users in the same network that you have great products. And let's not forget the number one myths of digital marketing--ads don't work. In fact, according to an IAB study on mobile display advertising effectiveness, 52% of ad viewers saw ads as 'honest and trustworthy’ and 89% said they wouldn't mind seeing more from those brands!

Myth #3: If you’re not on Facebook, you don’t exist

Myths about digital marketing exist because they are based on half-truths or generalizations that have become popularized. One such myth is that if you don’t have a Facebook page, you don’t exist to potential customers. There are many reasons why this simply isn’t true, not the least of which is the fact that Facebook can be inaccessible to various people for a variety of reasons (age, culture, and geography).

Some people even avoid the site entirely out of personal preference. Simply put, if you cater to your audience, social media will take care of itself. If it doesn’t seem like something that would benefit your business, then there's no need to do it.

Another way to combat this myth is by examining what your competition is doing with digital marketing: are they active on social media? If so, where? Which channels do they use most heavily? What content types do they post most often? If other businesses in your industry use these channels and content types successfully, then there's probably a reason for it - in which case you should consider following suit.

Myth #4: If you want leads, you need paid ads

One of the most common digital marketing myths that have been going around for years is about paid ads that are luring businesses down the wrong path. Paid ads have their own significance in digital marketing strategies but it isn't true that they are the only way to sow the seeds of leads.

In reality, business owners can generate leads with digital marketing without ever paying for ads. There are plenty of ways to get leads without having to pay for them, and one way is through content marketing strategies. By creating valuable content and sharing it with prospects in relevant places, you'll be able to gain their trust and interest over time.

As said, Paid ads can be a necessary component of your marketing mix, but they are not the only solution to generating leads. Advertising takes time and money, two things that many business owners are hesitant to spend until their marketing efforts start bearing fruit. So how do you generate quality leads without spending a lot of money on paid ads? Try this effective method!

A/B testing: A/B testing is an excellent strategy for determining which advertising message resonates with your audience. It allows you to test different variations of a single product or message and determine what gets the best response from your target audience.

Myth #5: There is no need to update your website since you built it

One of the most pervasive myths of digital marketing is that there is no need to update your website because you built it in the first place. People are afraid of trying to change anything because they don't know how to do so and are too busy managing other aspects of their business. However, if you're not updating your site then it's quickly becoming irrelevant and there will soon be nothing on it worth clicking on, which could lead to lost sales.

Without new information, visitors are going elsewhere in search of fresh ideas or they may never return at all. They've come to expect a high level of content and value when visiting any site; without changing anything or providing something that is current, you'll lose them in no time at all.

Myth #6: YouTube and video marketing don’t pay off

This is one of the most shocking myths about digital marketing. YouTube is a major player in the video-sharing game, with over 1 billion users and 300 hours of video uploaded every minute. With that many eyes on your content, it would be remiss not to take advantage.

YouTube video marketing also offers a host of free analytics tools that can help you track what's working and make adjustments as needed. It's also possible to buy ads on YouTube, which can make things easier if you're looking for quick ways to grow your audience or boost your brand awareness.

Myths of digital marketing are rampant, and by accepting them as truth, businesses endanger themselves. As businesses continue to grow and expand, it's important for them to stay ahead of the competition. In order to do this, they need to stop fixating on misconceptions that can be a hindrance on the way to success.

Also Read: How can online review management services aid your businessMyth #7: Email doesn’t work anymore

Last on the list of digital marketing myths is email marketing isn’t integral to a business’s marketing strategy anymore.

Digital marketing is not just about social media and blogging. Email marketing is on the rise in recent years because it’s a tried and true strategy that works. In fact, email marketing can be one of the most cost-effective ways to reach prospects and customers.

Emails are a great way to stay connected with your customers and build a community. It's easy to do, but you need to know how to make the email interesting enough for people to open it. You can use images, videos, or even a call-to-action button for people who want to go deeper into your business.


We hope this blog has helped you to understand the myths about digital marketing that are out there, and we want to remind you that it is not as simple as many people think. If you need help with your marketing plan, it is important to reach out and contact a professional agency who can assist you in creating a strategy.

Brandboyz can help you get started. We have a team of marketing experts that can help you craft a digital marketing campaign that drives results. Contact us today for more information about our services or how we can help your business whatever the size, budget, and goals!