How to Maintain a Natural Swimming Pool?
How to Maintain a Natural Swimming Pool We all know the basic principles of regular pool maintenance. Daily skimming, regular brushing and vacuuming. The struggle to maintain healthy chlorine levels. Whether you use a saltwater generator, an automatic chlorinator, or just plain old liquid chlorine, your pool needs chlorine. Colored hair? Itchy eyes? The "clean pool" smell? Of course there is a cost, but this is standard procedure for routine pool maintenance.
Imagine being able to maintain a pool without using any chemicals. Sounds pretty appealing, doesn't it? How about bathing in water that is clean enough to drink in the scorching heat of Dubai? That is exactly what natural swimming pools offer. However, what are these special pools and how do they work? The good news is that you can hire the best swimming pool company in Dubai to build one in your home and enjoy unlimited fun with minimal maintenance stresses.
They don't require chlorine, chemical filtration, pH balancing or any of the other extra costs and daily and weekly processes associated with maintaining a traditional pool. While they still need to be kept clean and free of debris, that's the only maintenance your pool needs.
Because they are actually teeming with life, natural ponds are often referred to as "living." In addition to plants, water is full of zooplankton, helpful bacteria. All of these help purify the water and prevent algae growth.
In order for algae to grow, they need nutrients. These nutrients are depleted in natural ponds by bacteria, plants, and zooplankton, leaving very little for algae to feed on. Additionally, zooplankton destroy disease-causing algal cells and aid in their maintenance.
Greenery around natural ponds helps keep the water clean and natural. A natural swimming pool uses aquatic plants and vegetation to filter waste in the same way a filtration system does, just like a regular swimming pool does.
A chlorine-free experience. Regular chlorinated pools can damage your hair and leave a strong chemical smell for days. If you have a natural pool you can avoid using chemicals like chlorine.
Although trimming plants is not part of natural pond maintenance, it can improve aesthetics. We advise using a hand-held pond vacuum or an automatic robot cleaner to help with such tasks.
Effectiveness is enhanced when a healthy balance of surface and underwater plant life is maintained. Local home and garden stores can help identify native plants. Natural swimming pools, when managed properly, have crystal-clear water and do not require chemicals to keep them clean because they are self-cleaning miniature ecosystems.
We have touched on some important information about natural swimming pool maintenance. In the meantime we would like to remind you that Astralux Pools is available for all your swimming pool needs and is one of the leading swimming pool companies in Dubai. Contact us if you ever need a repair, have a swimming question, or need help with pool maintenance. We are a full service swimming pool contractor and we provide excellent white glove service!