Women over 50 Health Recipes

Author: Katya Prevallet-Kinstle

How to nourish your body for women over the age of 50

The body evolves and changes throughout its lifetime. In the feminine body, many changes are occurring after 45 to 50 years of life because of a different hormonal balance.

With these kinds of changes, there are some modified nutritional needs like:

  • More calcium – because the digestive tract tends to absorb less
  • More vitamin B12 – for better nerve and hemoglobin levels
  • More water – as the hormones are changing, the body does not show good signs of thirst
  • Lean sources of protein – the natural aging process is connected with sarcopenia- loss of muscle mass. That’s why some lean protein sources are recommended to be in the daily diet
  • Regular intake of fibers – with the hormonal changes, there can be signs of slower work of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular fiber intake is the first prevention against slower work of the GIT.

Also in the part of a fitness guide, some valuable changes are occurring. A body in the 20s or 30s can make a lot of high-intensity training, as the age passes the estrogen level drops and the insulin level gets up. With higher insulin levels, the stress hormone cortisol is also getting up. It is scientifically linked that cortisol "eats" muscles. All of this information leads to the conclusion that in the age after the 50s workout with lifting and yoga is a better version for keeping a fit body.

To head off the fats around the belly and to maintain good mental and physical health it is important to follow some easy nutritional and fitness tips:

  • 30g of fiber per day that are coming from nuts, seeds, veggies, and fruits
  • In each meal, combine one protein source like eggs, poultry, fish, tofu, legumes, quinoa, oats, and cottage cheese.
  • Enrich the diet with yogurt, kefir, chia seeds, green veggies, and low sodium bone broth in order to take wanted calcium supplementation.
  • Stay away from sugar and processed food. Your body needs fresh products that will give energy are strength.
  • Do not forget about drinking water. Always have one bottle of tea or water with lime next to you.
  • Make a combination of workout routines. Even walking is considered a workout. Keep a track of the daily steps and never make less than 6000 steps. Make 2-3 strength workouts per week and a couple of yoga classes for concentration and stability.

Tips for women over the age of 50

Tip No:1

Malnutrition is a great risk factor after the 50s. How to prevent malnutrition and what is it?

There are many cases of overweight connected to nutrient deficiency. It is in everyday practice that women tend to stay on strict diets for longer than needed. Not eating regular meals, constant dieting, overeating, hungry intake of processed foods are leading to vitamin, mineral, healthy fats, and protein deficiency.

The first signs of malnutrition are shown as symptoms like depression, easy irritability, mood swing, swollen stomach, and difficulty concentrating.

In order to prevent malnutrition and have a healthy weight, there are easy tips to be followed.

  1. Maintain 2-3 meals per day
  2. 2/3 of your daily food should be sourced from fresh products ( veggies, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds)
  3. Never forget about the water
  4. Choose antioxidant fruits like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries
  5. Add spices to the meals especially adaptogen spices like black pepper, turmeric, and cinnamon.

Another great way to continue to have great health is having medication you can afford. You can do this by using eNavvi.