You are safe from PCOD in the ‘Hands of Homeopathy

Author: Drbasil Homeo

If we are taking 10 women,capable of having child ( 15 -45 age group) one women is having PCOD for sure. Even though such an extend PCOD is common in our society, majority of us are not bothered about it until there is a delay in conceiving. PCOD does not lead to infirtility alone, it can be resulted in hypertension, diabetes,heart disease or even in endometrial cancer. Since the manifestations of the disease is presented in its early stage itself, treatment can be given as early as possible. Homeopathy has got best suitable medicines for PCOD which are capable of rooting out the disease completely.

What is meant by PCOD

Poly( more than three) cystic ovarian disease or poly cystic ovarian syndrome, as the name mentioned, it is a syndrome presenting a group of disorders. There will be irregular menstruation( that can be absence, late, early, scanty or excess), unusual hair growth as seen in male body and overweight associated with increase in size of ovaries with cysts( fluid filled sacs) on the periphery.

How is PCOD presented?

Obesity and menstrual irregularities are the key symptoms for PCOD. Apart from these majority of the PCOD patients are complaining regarding their acne and abnormal growth of hair over face and chest especially a male pattern of hair growth. Grayish brown skin discoloration over back of neck and skin folds is either a matter of concern for them. More over these the main social impact of PCOD is infirtility. We should also bear in mind, without any of these features some women are suffering from PCOD.

How does PCOD happen?

We cannot pin point to the exact cause of PCOD. Even though there are certain factors that lead to PCOD. Hormone imbalance is the main cause for PCOD. There is excess of male hormones than as usual which can prevent ovaries from releasing ovum in each cycle of menstruation and these ovum get stuck on the periphery of the ovary and turn into cysts. These also lead to the appearance and growth of hair in an unusual pattern and infirtility, the main villain.

Other factors

  • Over weight
  • Having PCOD in close relatives
  • Insuline resistance- inability of insuline hormone ( which controls the blood sugar level by transforming it into energy) to do its function. This considered to be the main reason for the excess production of male hormones
  • High level of luteinizing hormone
  • High level of prolactin ( hormone helps for the production of milk)

Since PCOD is affecting a person as a whole and reasons are varying from persons to persons, Homeopathy is the best treatment for PCOD. Homeopathy considers a patient as whole and gives most suitable and individualistic medicines by taking mental peculiarities, physical features, family history, social and moral values of the patient into consideration.

How can we recognize PCOD patients?

The history of the patient itself is a hint for PCOD. There will be menstrual irregularities and family history of diabetes. Physical appearance such as obesity, abnormal hair growth, skin discoloration and acne also lead to the diagnosis of PCOD. For the confirmation we can do Vaginal ultrasound scanning and Blood tests. Blood test is done for Luteinizing hormone, Follicular stimulating hormone, Androgens, and prolactin. Abnormalities in the results of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides are either seen in PCOD patients.

How is PCOD treated?

The first and most important line of management for the PCOD patient is Diet and lifestyle modification.

What should a PCOD patients include and avoid in the Diet.?

  • Include morefresh fruits and vegetable and avoid dairy products and red meat
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water daily, can include coconut water, buttermilk, fresh juices and vegetable soups.
  • Have unsaturated fats and keep away saturated fats and hydrogenated fats

*use Brown rice instead of white rice

  • Take walnuts and almonds and say goodbye to cashews
  • Give preference for whole grains and whole pulses in your diet
  • Say no to sugary food and drinks
  • Reduce intake of salt

A PCOD patient must organize her lifestyle as having small meals frequently instead of eating more quantity at a time and doing exercise for 30 to 40 minutes daily. Should remember to never and ever avoid the break fast.

Homeopathy and PCOD

Homeopathy, a natural system of treatment is one and the best for treating PCOD. Homeopathy avoid regular intake of hormonal pills and surgical interventions for PCOD. We select medicines which are capable to bring back the vital energy to normal state and make the body fit to fight against the disease symptoms. Also the medicines help to root out the exact cause of the disease and direct the body to correct the hormonal imbalance and irregular menstrual cycle. Our system is rich with medicines which have proven the best results against PCOD. Within a short period of time scanning report and blood results become normal and makes the way easier for conception. There is no chance for any kind of effects and is affordable for patients of all financial categories.