The Scientific Way to Buy an Air Conditioner

Author: Aac Heating & Cooling

Given how hot it has gotten, HVAC cooling systems are no longer a luxury; they’re a necessity. This brings us to today's topic of discussion i.e. the most optimal way of buying an air conditioner. However, for the sake of simplicity, we’ll be keeping our discussion focused on the HVAC Cooling System New Jersey. Don’t worry, though; the results we come up with today are applicable regardless of where you live.

Thermodynamics of Air Conditioning

The first all of the thermodynamics states that heat flows from a higher concentration to a lower one. Whereas the second law teaches us that for a heat engine to be able to do work (energy-dependent action) – it must take in energy from a high heat area, expel some of it to a low heat area and convert the difference into work.

Modern-day air conditioners (which are heat engines operating in reverse) take energy from a low-heat area, add to it some work, and expel it to a high-heat environment. This process is carried out in air conditioning compressors, which rapidly compress and expand the coolant to lower its temperature and then pass air through it.

Air Conditioning Mathematics

Generally mentioned on the air conditioners is the term ton, which is, in fact, a measure of its efficiency. However, the term refers to an air conditioner’s capacity to remove 12,000 BTUs (British Thermal Units) in one-hour time. As you can see – this, although useful for comparing different cooling systems, doesn’t help you much in terms of your needs. A better way of calculating the efficiency of an air conditioner is to calculate the time required to cool a one cubic foot space – to a certain temperature compared to the outside temperature.

Don’t worry – it’s not as complicated as it seems – as you can get a rough idea of efficiency from the mentioned tonnage. All you need to do is add 2 (BTUs required to lower the temperature of one cubic foot by one degree in one hour) to the cubic feet area of your room, multiply the result by 2, and compare it with the air conditioner tonnage. For reference, a one-ton HVAC cooling system in New Jersey will lower the temperature from 90 to 72 degrees in one hour.

Air Conditioner Energy Optimization

Perhaps the most important, this last time on our list will help us determine the running cost of a specific system. All air conditioner units mention their wattage (energy requirements); however, as with tonnage, this doesn’t necessarily give you the full picture. The reason for this is that low-power units can cost you more due to requiring more time to cool the room.

So, what do you do? Just divide the tonnage by the wattage, and it’ll give you a rough idea of which air conditioner will consume more energy. And remember, the higher the ratio, the better the air conditioner.


There you have it, everything you need to know about buying the most optimal HVAC cooling system in New Jersey. As for how to use all of these numbers; well, the answer to that depends on your specific requirements. But don’t worry; I won’t leave you without some sort of recommendation. That is – if you’re looking to save on the bill, then focus on energy optimization, but if the bill isn’t an issue, then get the more efficient one.