Here’s Why You Need to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Author: W. Gregory Rose

If you're missing teeth in your smile, it can be difficult to eat, speak and live your life the way you'd like to. Missing teeth prevent you from engaging in social situations, and even simple things like chewing food can become difficult and uncomfortable. While some people may choose to ignore their missing teeth and deal with the repercussions that result, there are some very important reasons to replace your missing teeth, including

Prevent Gum Disease

Missing teeth can cause your remaining teeth to shift, which could lead to gum disease. Gum disease is painful and, left untreated, could result in tooth loss. Prevent further problems by scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic dentist Albuquerque in your area.

Restore Your Smile

Restoring your smile involves replacing missing teeth with dental implants Albuquerque nm or dentures. However, dental implants look and feel like real teeth, whereas dentures can require a little more maintenance. Implants are expensive than dentures but are also a better option for those looking to replace their smiles.

Improve Oral Health

If you're missing teeth, it's easy for food and bacteria to get trapped between your gums and cheek—and that can lead to dental disease. Replacing your missing teeth can keep your smile (and body) healthy. It's also a good idea to replace any missing teeth if they were in front of other teeth, as these will give you an improved aesthetic appearance. Please speak to your dentist Albuquerque nm to know about your treatment options.

Look Younger

Replacing missing teeth is an instant solution for looking younger. Not only do you get to enjoy your smile again, but friends and family will notice too. When you replace your missing teeth, people will see a difference in your appearance instantly and not just because you're smiling more. You'll look younger, and others will notice it right away!

Feel Better

People with missing teeth often feel self-conscious about their appearance. Others might be turned off or even disgusted by your smile. Replacing missing teeth can help restore confidence and boost your feelings of attractiveness. Many people with missing teeth also say that their self-esteem has improved thanks to new, healthy smiles. If you're in pain because of a damaged tooth, replacing it will not only end your pain but also improve how you feel overall.

If you're missing teeth, it can be difficult for your dentist or other care provider to ensure optimal oral health for your remaining teeth. With replacements, you can speak easier and breathe better through your nose. Plus, there's nothing more unattractive than trying to enunciate around missing teeth!

The author is a blogger and dentist in Albuquerque NM. Along with the team of professionals, he provides a range of dental services, including dental implants albuquerque nm that is designed to improve patient's health and smile. Visit for more details.