Google AD Strategy For Business

Author: Venkat Rocky

Google AD- (511 Digital Marketing)

15 Ways to Optimize a Paid Search Campaign

Paid search can be a real boon for marketers if they know how to manage it. After all, it depends heavily on data - and that data starts rolling in as soon as you launch a new campaign. However, all of that data can quickly become overwhelming. It's tough to know what to look at first when you're trying to make decisions about optimization.

That's why it's important to clearly understand your primary goal for your paid search campaigns before you start making any changes. Otherwise, you could wind up undoing all of your progress.

Let’s examine 15 ways to optimize a paid search campaign.

Channel & Campaign:

When advertising in multiple channels or campaigns, it’s important to work out which channel is performing best for your primary KPI (key performance indicator) and what could be playing a supporting role.

To optimize your paid search campaign, you need to know which channels are most effective and how they work together. This is especially important if you optimize your campaigns to get the most out of your budget. For example, if you have a PPC campaign running on Google and Bing, you may want to run another campaign on Facebook or LinkedIn. You should also be aware of how these channels interact with each other so you can make the right decisions about what combination of channels will work best for your business.

Your channel choices will also impact where you run ads. If you're running search ads on Google and Bing, for example, and Facebook is the second best-performing channel for your business, then it makes sense to run Facebook ads instead of those from Google or Bing.

Budget & Impression Share:

The first thing you need to do is set a budget. This is the maximum amount you’re willing to spend on a campaign. Once you estimate your ad pay, you can determine how many impressions (how many times your ad will be viewed) and clicks (how many times people click on your ad) it takes to reach that budget number.

Once you know that number, add up the cost per impression and cost per click. Then divide by the total budget and multiply by 100. That number should give you an idea of how much each ad impression expenses compared to other groups of impressions bidding on keywords simultaneously.

Hour of Day & Day of Week:

Setting up your paid search campaigns at the correct times of day and day of the week is important. This can be done with tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner (free) or Google Optimize (paid). You can also use a combination of tools to find the best time for your campaign to run.

Location Bid Adjustments:

Location bid adjustments are one of the most powerful and underused tools in your paid search campaign.

Location bid adjustment is a feature that allows you to adjust the bid price for specific locations on the map.

Location bid adjustment is useful if you have geo-targeted campaigns, such as national and local campaigns, and want to target areas relevant to the keywords you’re bidding on.

Location bid adjustments are the most common type of bid adjustment. They allow you to adjust the bids for a specific location or all locations. You can adjust bids based on time of day, time since the last visit, and device type.

Search Query Analysis & Negative Keywords:

Negative keywords are words or phrases you want to exclude from your paid search campaigns. There are two ways to find negative keywords:

Search Query Analysis:

Search query analysis is a tool that helps you identify the most commonly searched terms on Google. You can use this tool to find negative keywords, which will help you avoid paying for keywords that people never use.

Negative Keyword Tool:

The Negative Keyword Tool is a free tool from SEMRush that helps you identify the most commonly-used negative keywords in your ad group. This makes it easier to find negative keywords, which will help you avoid paying for keywords that people never use.

Search Partner Exclusion:

Search Partner Exclusion is based on the advertiser’s performance as a whole, rather than just their performance with you. The ads they run will be removed from your campaigns until they can demonstrate that their overall performance has improved to match or exceed what was achieved before being excluded from your campaigns.


Keyword bid adjustments were already mentioned, but the opposite aspect of reviewing keywords is simply performance against the goal.

Are certain keywords not performing despite reviewing search queries, making bid adjustments, testing landing pages, and testing several match types?

If so, perhaps these keywords have to be removed from your campaign.

Landing Pages:

Landing pages are often overlooked when it involves performance because they aren’t directly part of the Ads account but are crucial to an account’s performance.

Why are these overlooked?

Well, for one, landing pages cannot as easily be adjusted because of the other elements.

Sometimes brands are unwilling or unable to take a position on landing pages, but landing pages tend to be most liable for converting users.

Keywords and ads get users to your website. Landing pages close the deal.

Ad Copy:

Ad copy is the key to attracting customers and converting them into leads. The more relevant it is, the more likely your ad will be clicked on.

Use keywords that are relevant to the product you're selling

Keep it simple. Don't use long paragraphs of text in your ads; instead, use bullet points or short sentences that are easy to understand.

Provide a benefit statement or discount if the customer clicks on your ad or purchases from you.


The most important aspect of a paid search campaign is to ensure that the ads are displayed to those who intend to purchase your product.

Device performance is also an important aspect to review. If you notice that a certain device or browser is not performing as well, it may be worth testing some additional ad copy and landing page designs to see if they will improve results.


Audience targeting enables you to target specific interest groups, such as age, gender, location, and more. By segmenting your audience this way, you can create campaigns based on different audiences and reach them with the right message at the right time.

You can use audience targeting in your paid search campaigns in many ways. Some examples include

Targeting a specific age group or gender

Targeting an industry or geographic region

Categorizing customers by product type (such as "all-purpose cleaners")

Targeting people who have previously purchased from your website or product category (known as retargeting)

Conversion Counting:

Conversion counting helps you know exactly how many people clicked on your ad, which means you can optimize your ads in ways that increase the ROI for your campaigns.

Paid search campaigns are designed to drive traffic and convert leads into customers. A conversion-focused CRO aims to optimize the campaign so that more people get to see your ads, more people click on them, and more people buy from you.

When you optimize a paid search campaign, you're looking at three different performance metrics:

Impressions —The number of times your ad appeared on the SERPs.

Clicks —The number of times someone clicked on an ad.

Conversions —The number of times someone converted from seeing your ad to purchasing something from you.

Match Type Strategy:

When bidding on a keyword in your PPC campaigns, you would like to choose a keyword match type, which tells Google how aggressively or restrictively you would like it to match your advertisements to user queries. There are three different keyword match types to settle on when advertising with Google Ads:

  • Broad match

  • Phrase match

  • Exact match

In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn the three keyword match types available in Google advertising and the way they differ, also as why keyword match types are important to the success of your PPC ad campaigns.

Keyword Matching:

Keyword matching is finding a single word or phrase that best describes your ad and Google AdWords.

Google's algorithm is updated periodically, so staying on top of what's working for you is important. You can check the daily search volume and competition for keywords by using Keyword Planner, which is available in Google Ads.

To ensure your ads are performing well, you need to match the right keywords with your ads. You'll want to use broad keywords that include relevant information about your business and products or services.

Use Experiments:

Custom experiments are solely obtainable for Search, Display, and Video campaigns. You won’t be able to produce associate degree experiments for apps or search campaigns.

You can schedule up to five experiments for a campaign. However, you'll be able to solely run one experiment at a time.

It may take a while for your experiment’s ads to complete the review method and start running, reckoning on the scale of your original campaign. You will wish to schedule your experiment to begin within the future to stop your investigation from the start before your ads are reviewed.

You can decide what proportion of your original campaign’s budget you wish to apportion to your experiment. For Search campaigns, you'll be able to split your investigation into a cookie-based split or a search-based split. These experiments will help you see that the campaign version performs higher. You'll be able to decide then if you wish individuals to envision your investigation or your original campaign solely or show individuals each haphazardly.

In show campaigns, we tend to continuously use cookie splits to make sure that users solely ever see the experiment or your original drive.

As your experiment runs, you'll be able to monitor its performance.


Paid Search marketing is a core tool for marketers who want to grow their businesses. Google's tools make this process exponentially easier, and this post provides an excellent framework for the best implementation.

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