What is the main difference between a poem and a Shayari?

Author: Naveen Sharma

There are some significant distinctions between the two. Today, I've only seen some interesting content about Shayari, and I am definitely interested in sharing the same.

First of all, Shayari is an Urdu word with a sort of poetic feel to it. It is used and written in the past, but there isn't any specific information about the age of the word or the place it was originally derived from.

What is poetry is a literary and verbal composition written in prose and verse. Poetry is composed with a dazzling elegance employing various literary techniques, such as rhythm, rhyme alliteration, meter, and metaphor, among others.

Second, Shayari is mostly done in Urdu and Hindi while Poem is able to be composed in any of the languages. Poems can be written using Hindi, English, Urdu, Japanese, etc

The third and final type of Shayari is Poem (written in Hindi and Urdu) Ghazal Rubai, and so on.

The different kinds of poems are:

Acrostic, Ballade, Blank Verse, Cinquain, Diamante, Echo Verse, Epic, Epigram, Free Verse, Haiku, Horatian Ode, Irregular Ode, Kennings, Kyrielle, Limerick, Lyric, Ode, Ottava Rima, Pindaric Ode, Renga, Rondeau, Senryu, Shakespearean Sonnet, hot Shayari in Hindi for Girlfriend, Share Poem, Sonnet, Tanka, Tetractys, Triolet, Tyburn

The Poem is written worldwide, it eventually evolved into a myriad of styles and styles. In contrast, Shayari was mostly in the Asian region (although it'as also flourishing today).

In Meriam Webster's Dictionary, Poem is "a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme".

Shayari is on the other hand Shayari, on the other hand, according to Wikipedia states, "In, poetry or Shaayaree, essentially comprises, or Sher. The plural for Sher is Ashaar. The form is a collection of multiple achaar - each of which should convey a complete thought without any reference to other Shayari of the same ghazal. In fact, though belonging to the same ghazal, the different ashlar therein can have completely different meanings and tones relative to one another."

This signifies that Poem is the term used to refer to all kinds of poetry, in any language while Shayari is a kind of poetry that is written by a poet in Urdu. A poem is defined as "a piece of writing that frequently uses non-literal dialect, that is composed in specific lines that frequently have a recurring mood, and occasionally rhymes."

Shayari then admonishes, "In Urdu, verse or Shaayaree, basically embodies couplet or Sher. The plural for Sher is Ashaar. The structure ghazal is an accumulation of multiple achaar - each of which ought to pass on a complete thought with no reference to other Shayari of the same ghazal. Actually, however fitting in with the same ghazal, the diverse achaar in that can have totally distinctive significance and tone in respect to each other."

This suggests that Poem is a reference to a diverse variety of poetry in every dialect. Shayari is a kind of sonnet that is written in Urdu.