What You Need To Know About Specialist Disability Accommodation under the NDIS

Author: Anytime Care

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is a government initiative that provides support for people with disabilities. One of the services that is covered under the NDIS is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

The special disability accommodation is designed to help disabled people with high needs. It is expected that SDA will be provided in a range of settings, including group homes, supported independent living, and residential care.

If you are eligible for the NDIS and require SDA, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to have your support needs assessed by an NDIS-qualified SDA assessor. Once your support needs have been assessed, you will be able to access SDA through the NDIS.

What is Specialist disability accommodation (SDA)

NDIS Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a type of housing designed specifically for people with a disability. It is different from regular housing in a number of ways, including the type of features and support that is available.

SDA can include features such as wheelchair accessible showers and kitchens, and can also have specialised equipment like hoists and lifts. SDA can also provide access to on-site support staff, who can assist with things like personal care, medication management and other daily tasks.

If you are eligible for SDA, you may be able to access support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to help cover the cost of your accommodation.

Who is eligible for NDIS support?

Generally the NDIS offers support to the people with disability in Australia. However, there are certain conditions you must meet before you can participate in the program and they are; :

  • You must either be a permanent resident in Australia or be a citizen, or you are on a category of visa that is allowed into the scheme
  • Be aged under 65 years
  • Also you must have a significant disability, which is also one of the criteria to be part of the NDIS participant.

If you meet these criteria, you may be eligible for NDIS support. For more information, please visit the NDIS website. Contact us: 03 9454 9930

How can SDA be funded under the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for a range of services and support for people with disability. Self-directed support (SDA) is one type of support that can be funded under the NDIS.

The funds provided for SDA can be used to access the following services:

  • Support coordination
  • Personal care and domestic assistance
  • Home modification and vehicle modifications
  • Therapeutic supports
  • Technology
  • Education, training and employment support.

To be eligible for SDA funding, you must first meet the access requirements for the NDIS. Once you have been accepted into the Scheme, you will work with your NDIS planner to develop your support plan. This plan will outline the types of support you need and how SDA can be used to meet your needs.