Winter Chill: How to Ease the Burden on Electrical Systems

Author: Schaffhouser Electric

If you own or operate a warehouse or a facility in an industrial setting, you are almost certainly searching for ways to cut down on the amount of money spent on energy. Nevertheless, there is a delicate balance to be reached in terms of lowering energy expenses while simultaneously preserving productivity and ensuring that employees are as satisfied as much as possible. On top of that, you want to be mindful of the cold weather conditions that the winter season brings. The following is a list of some useful recommendations that can be of assistance through industrial electric repair in the effort to reduce the amount of money spent on energy by warehouses and other industrial facilities. Be sure to contact your local industrial electrician; never attempt this work on your own.

Invest in High-Volume Low-Speed (HVLS) Fans

The amount of heat that rises inside industrial facilities is decreased using HVLS fans. Warm air is directed upward and then downward to achieve this. This mixture, also known as destratification, causes the air temperature to remain constant from the ceiling to the floor. HVLS fans, in other words, make sure warm air circulates throughout your entire building rather than allowing it to rise immediately and escape through cracks in the walls and the roof. In fact, HVLS fans have helped many warehouses save on their monthly energy bills by as much as 50%.

HVLS fans not only run very efficiently, but they also improve HVAC system performance. This is achieved by uniformly distributing the hot/cold air produced by HVAC equipment. Just be sure to get an HVLS fan that offers the right quantity of airflow for the particular dimensions and shape of your warehouse.

Update Your Lighting

It would be wise to install fluorescent lighting in your facility if you have not done so already. If you want to save up to 80 percent on your energy expenditures, one of the quickest and easiest methods to do so is to switch from traditional incandescent lights to either fluorescent or LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting solutions. The LED alternatives consume less energy and have the potential to outlast your older incandescent lighting by up to 25 percent.

Not only does the quality of the lighting have a direct impact on the cost of energy, but it also has the potential to increase the amount of work that is completed by your staff. It has been demonstrated that a favorable work environment, such as a warehouse that is properly lighted, encourages more effort from the employees. This results in a greater overall return on investment.

Install Industrial Doors with Insulation

This is of utmost significance if your storage facility requires insulated doors for its freezers and coolers. Doors with low cycle times are one of the quickest methods to increase air infiltration, which in turn leads to higher expenditures for maintaining a home's heating and cooling systems. If you upgrade to high-speed insulated industrial doors, you will lower the odds of warm air getting in and the chances of cool air departing, which will save you money on your cooling bills.

Conduct Energy Efficiency Assessments

Monitoring how energy is used in the first place is the most effective strategy for reducing the amount of money spent on energy bills at an industrial facility. Checking your business's energy efficiency regularly will help your organization maintain a consistent level of energy consumption throughout the year. If you put in the effort to perform a comprehensive inspection of your industrial facility, you will be able to increase your return on investment (ROI) by avoiding the waste of possibly hundreds of dollars in energy bills. The principal areas to assess are your industrial doors, HVLS fans, and loading docks (if you have them at your facility).

Section-Off Your Facility Based on Temperatures

It is a good idea to keep cool storage spaces adjacent to other cool storage areas, and it is a good idea to group heated storage together as well. This lowers the likelihood that there will be temperature leakage from one room to another.

Because any air contamination will already be at a similar temperature as the room it is leaking into, keeping products with similar storage needs close together prevents the risk of air leakage raising energy bills. This is because the air will already be at a similar temperature to the room it is leaking into, keeping your heating and cooling bills low.

The "Schaffhouser Way"

From building a completely new electrical system and industrial electric repair to lighting and control systems, your industrial facility should be constructed to function as efficiently as possible, with the highest energy efficiency available. We at Schaffhouser Electric have licensed and trained industrial electricians who have extensive knowledge of cables and wiring as well as other electrical focuses and are here to help you utilize the best technology to create the best solutions for your business. To get your services started, call (615) 325-8001.