Locking wine refrigerators: top tips for maintaining the best wine collection

Author: Matt Mead

Some people collect wine simply out of passion for the drink. Unmatched enthusiasm for such pursuits deserves every attention. For instance, wine collectors must ensure optimum preservation facilities for their collection. This article covers some useful tips that you can employ to make sure that the flavors remain ripe and intact in locking wine refrigerators:

The foremost thing to remember is preference. There is no point storing a brand in wine coolers with locks if it does not match up to your taste. Indulge in some wine tasting activities to explore and compare various brands. A basic requirement in pulling preferences is to determine your inclination towards the types. If you are a ‘red’ person, stack up your collection with red wines and set the storage temperature accordingly. There is bound to be some variation in the temperature depending upon whether the wine is deep red or lighter in terms of consistency. Sauternes, Sherries, and other dessert wines sustain longer while opened white wines require cooler cellar spaces or constant refrigeration for their sustenance. Consider such tips while storing different wine types.

Unless you are a professional in developing or preserving wines, you will do very well with locking wine coolers. The equipment comes with an integrated, compressed cooling system with a variable thermostat for setting the right storage temperature. Product ranges are a plenty on reputable supplier sites where you will also find service and maintenance for the installation. In addition to this, you will also have means to claim compensation for goods if delivered with prior damages. Consider buying a storage locker or a huge cellar space only if you have long-term plans with the product.

Storage always presupposes the buying process. As mentioned earlier, you will require a couple of tasting sessions to decide on which collection to purchase. Do not go for cases unless you are confident about the timing for using up the bottles. When it comes to retaining flavors, timing is everything. Open a bottle earlier or later and the flavor is kaput. Conduct a trial and error procedure for storing at least once before you consider stacking your resources.

Once you have mastered the art of storing and opening bottles, look for feasible supply deals at a proximal distance. Keep your eyes and ears open for wine clubs, mail listings, and auctions that sell vintage bottles at lower prices. For better convenience, look for wholesale deals on the internet. For all you know, the best collection is the one that comes to your doorstep!

Blindly going for the vintage stamp would be a great error. Look into the history, gather some facts, and compare data and reviews before you purchase a bottle or a vintage collection. Some collections generate great hype, obtaining the label of ‘trophy’. If the facts, figures, and taste do not add up to the hype, go by your instincts and move on to the next collection within your radar. There is plenty of fish in the sea and the only way of grabbing the best is to first look for the same.