Overview Of HP2-K27 Supporting And Servicing HP P6000 Eva Solutions

Author: Rhys John

What is it about?

This exam is all about giving a reality check of your skills in knowledge and clarity of concepts including management of power, cabling as well as the management of computer hardware and software, P60000 EVA and management module, the configuration and startup of storage systems, SSS, enclosures of M6612/M6625 disk drive, reporting and diagnostics of event and troubleshooting.

Who should take it?

This certification program is meant for individuals having a minimum of six to twelve months experience in HP2-K27, Supporting and servicing P6000 EVA Solutions systems. The exam is carried out at a standard which corresponds to a presumed level of industry knowledge which can be easily acquired from experience, training, pre requisite events etc. The exam consists of a total of 40 questions which are subdivided into the following types of questions-

  • Drag and drop questions
  • Multiple choice questions (single response)
  • Multiple choice questions (multiple response)

How to take this exam?

Despite of going for training these days for preparation of exam, it must always be kept in mind that only completing the training does not account for any assurance that you can pass the exam. The exam covers knowledge that is acquired from job experience, application or any other reference material. The exam id of this exam is HP2-K27, Supporting and servicing P6000 EVA Solutions and the duration of the exam is sixty minutes. The exam consists of a total of 40 questions and has a pass score of 70%. It can be delivered in English and Japanese languages. There are some supportive courses that can help you in preparing for the exam some of which are as follows- 00422254 Implementing HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array Service and Support.

Objectives of the exam

This exam checks whether you have knowledge and can perform the following:

  • Event reporting
  • SSSU
  • Power and Cabling
  • Troubleshooting, Diagnostics and Best practices
  • General concepts and knowledge
  • Storage system configuration and startup
  • Management of Hardware and software
  • Enclosures of M6612/M6625 Disk drives
  • P6000 EVA and Management module

Once can also make specific comments about the exam items during the exam. HP takes it as a valuable feedback for overall continuous improvement. This program is extremely beneficial for individuals who wish to service and support HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array Storage solutions.

The sample questions and study material for the exam can be found on net. Some practice exams are also available so as to give yourself a reality check for how much you are competent for the exam. The practice exams consist of questions and answers that can help a great deal in understanding the type and level of questions that will be there in the actual exam.


The HP2-K27, Supporting and servicing P6000 EVA Solutions is quite an accurate platform for testing and validating your skills along with enhancement of tech competencies. The exam pattern is simple with choice questions dominating. The candidates having experience in P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array equipment are most benefitted. Apart from training, the job experience and knowledge of industry standard is also validated by this exam.

CertifyGuide study material is prepared by the expert professionals in the IT industry who help you to prepare for all the leading IT Certification Exam like Hp2-K27 Study Kits and Hp2-K26 Practice Questions.