The Need to Be Wide Awake When Buying Platform Bedroom Furniture

Author: Clay Phipps

Supporting the Mattress

The advantage of interdependent slats over a flat piece of independent plywood or particle-board is that the slats are connected in some way, usually with straps of cloth, allowing them to fold up compactly and protectively for relocation, if you ever move your bed from one room to another or move yourself from one home to another. In contrast, if your platform bed-frame depends on a flat piece of plywood or other material to support the mattress, then you have to deal with the concern of transporting a large, cumbersome item that is awkward to move around. The third benefit of using slats to support your mattress is that they allow air to flow freely under and around your mattress, which is another topic of discussion for another day...

Elevating the Mattress

Do you prefer a bed-frame that is closer to the ground or a bed-frame that rises to the height of a conventional chair? Or do you prefer a bed-frame that is somewhere in between the two? One way or another, the ultimate choice is yours, since solid-wood bed-frames are reasonably adaptable when it comes to your preferable distance from the floor. For example, some beds are more elevated from the floor and yet other platform bed-frames are often closer to the ground. Although this choice may seem inconsequential at the present moment, it is actually a crucial decision, from a future point of reference, especially when it comes to your overall health, because one day your knees might not like having to work so hard just to get out of bed every morning.

Framing the Mattress

In these exciting yet uncertain times, anything made from solid wood are hard to find (no pun intended), unless you have a relative with a hard head and a keen instinct for sniffing out imposters. These days, you almost have to be a museum curator to find a piece of furniture that isn’t made of composite material. All kidding aside, to get a closer look at the real thing, at furniture that really is constructed with solid wood, from top to bottom, and to consider your various options, explore Haiku Designs’ public persona and its ongoing development by visiting and then complete your choice by visiting

Deepening the Mattress

Directly related to lowering or elevating your mattress is how high or deep it sits in the applicable bed-frame, which will determine how high the mattress is from the floor and how high or low it sits in relation to the headboard. Of course, this variable is different from one bed-frame to another, and visiting a local outlet like a Haiku Designs’ show-room, or any local modern furniture retail store, in person is the ideal way to feel the difference. In the meantime, to quote an old but accurate cliché, "a picture is worth a thousand words", so let your eyes do the listening and the talking by assimilating the picture below...

About the Author:

Clay Phipps is the founder of Haiku Designs which is a market leader in platform beds and modern furniture.

Since its inception, Haiku Designs has provided the finest collections of modern furniture for home and offices. It offers all kinds of bedroom, living room and dining room products. Apart from this, Haiku Designs also offers natural bedding, floor covering and accessories