The Best Ways to Transport Luggage on Folding Bikes

Author: Thomas Jamoe

Folding bikes are a standout option for travelling around. It's the most favourable means of movement that can be kept wherever you go. A folding bike can be folded into a shorter version and kept indoors, which keeps it safe and saves time from finding parking spaces and locking it. It keeps the bike clean, as you can put it inside the house, inside your office space, or even in the school locker.

Another great thing about these bikes is that they are low maintenance, as they don’t require fuel to run as compared to other modes of transportation, which also means it doesn't emit any carbon. And it's a great way to work out as well. The user gets to burn calories just by using a bicycle for daily tasks. It's even better when he or she starts using it for daily trips up and down to work, school, or even shopping for groceries. This habit is very beneficial for individual health, as well as the health of the air in the city.

When it comes to carrying weight on bikes, folding bikes don’t sound like a favourable option. But there are a few ways to carry luggage on bikes. Let’s go through them:

  1. Front Panniers: Standard folding bikes with tyre sizes from 20 inches to 24 inches can have a front rack to mount panniers. They are installed at the crown and end of the fork legs of the wheel. This kind of setup will keep the balance stable and provide you with a range of 10 to 22 kilograms of weight on the wheel. However, try to keep the weight on the front tyre to a minimum so that bike does not become imbalance with extra pressure. A great example of quality gear is Ortlieb cycle panniers, which are very durable and have waterproof material to keep your luggage safe in all kinds of weather.
  2. Rear panniers: The standard-sized tyres of the folding bikes are eligible to have a rear rack installed over them. The rack acts as a platform for hanging rear panniers. The racks can be attached to the top side of the seat tray over the tyre mudguard and at the rear dropout. They can bear the weight of a pair of panniers and even a rack-pack bag. The weight of these panniers can go up to 25 kilograms. And this weight doesn’t affect the handling of the bike on any kind of road, unlike the front panniers. Keep the size of the panniers according to the tyre size, if the pannier is too big, like those of a normal bike, they will drag on the path or at turns while driving.
  3. Luggage Truss: This is a kind of luggage socket on the head of the frame. It's good for carrying weights up to 7 kilograms, and it doesn’t get in the way of handling at all. Dahon folding bikes, a well-known brand for premium quality bikes and accessories, are a very reliable option for having a luggage truss.