Tips from Ascension Leadership Academy Pyramid Scheme to Build Leadership Skills

Author: Sarah Kahlon

You are the CEO of a company. You've recently noticed that the work is being accomplished steadily, but your team lacks enthusiasm. What are you going to do? Your first thought may be to speak with your employees or to offer an incentive to boost morale. However, your time would be better invested in refining your leadership prowess.

When confronted with an issue, genuine leaders look inwards, emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. Leaders can always improve in certain areas. When you ask yourself how you could better empower and inspire your team, you'll discover how to improve your leadership skills - because self-accountability is key to great leadership.

Here are tips from the ascension leadership academy pyramid scheme to improve your leadership skills:

Make a Plan

With a clear understanding of your leadership strengths and weaknesses, you are ready to take massive action by developing a game plan that fits your leadership style. Take steps to strengthen your self-confidence if you rather see it as a weakness. Start practicing effective communication methods if you see ineffective communication as a weakness. With time and practice, you will begin to embody examples of leadership skills that'll help you succeed in any endeavor.

Be Passionate

There is no one who wants to seek advice from a person who is not as interested in the subject as they are. Passion is exertion; passion is effort. Never give up on your passion. Without it, you seldom innovate and become stagnant. When you show genuine passion and enthusiasm for the end result, your employees will continue to work hard to achieve their objectives.

Employees respond positively to those who are eager to assist them in learning and growing. Demonstrate enthusiasm for everything you do, including your efforts to develop leadership skills.

Model Excellent Leadership for Peers

What is the worth of leadership skills if they don't encourage others to act? Not many admire people who talk the talk and walk the walk.

One of the most powerful leadership skills is showing those around you exactly what you want to see them do. Don't even think about it. Modeling the behaviors you want to see is the most powerful message you can send to your team.

Remember Your Strengths

Leadership development frequently focuses on weaknesses, but don't forget that you can also develop your strengths. Understanding your weaknesses allows you to identify areas where you can improve, but understanding your natural gifts and abilities allows you to use them immediately.

Are there any areas where you feel strong and can put those strengths to good use? If you're a great public speaker, give presentations on difficult topics or join a public speaking group to hone your skills further. Remember that the opportunities for advancement for leaders are limitless, including your own strengths.

The Takeaway

As you improve your effectiveness as a leader in your own life, whether in a professional or personal capacity, you will put more effort into your own goals. Those around you will notice the effort and passion you bring to the table each day, inspiring them to work on developing their own leadership skills. Remember to follow these tips from the ascension leadership academy pyramid scheme