A Few Useful Tips For Maintaining Leather Shoes

Author: Tracy Richardson

One of the best investments you can make for your wardrobe is to buy quality leather shoes, but having leather shoes means that you must take care of those shoes perfectly. A high quality pair of handmade shoes made of leather will last you a lifetime with proper care and seasonal maintenance.

To care about your leather shoes properly, you need to use high class products to maintenance of leather footwear. There are a number of tips to help you maintain leather shoes in a great look for a long time. Cleaning your leather shoes is a matter of daily care and daily attention to any scratch.

You should remember that the best cosmetics for leather shoes are natural products, which allows the leather to breathe. Suggested products include saddle soap. If you use saddle soap, and mink oil, you will keep your footwear looking like new for long time. These products you can find in most shops where offer good products for leather care.

Another great product for getting the leather clean, without damaging the product is a Pine gum which will help to restore your shoes when they get small scratches and cuts. Pine gum soaks deep into the leather of the shoe and serves as an excellent camouflage. Pine gum also will help to restore the colour and appearance.

If you often walk or work where there is a lot of moisture, you can provide some waterproofing for your leather shoes. Especially in the winter time, this will help you to protect the footwear from snow and water and from salt stains. If shoes do get big damp, store them on a shoe tree to dry, but never place the leather shoes close to a heater or fireplace unit.

Another very good product to care about leather shoes conditions is Beeswax, which provides excellent water-repellent properties and protect your leather shoes from the atmospheric effects. Beeswax is highly recommended to maintenance of waterproof biker boots.

Don't forget that conditioning your footwear helps to maintain soft and supple leather and prevent the cracks in the surface of the leather. Keeping your leather shoes soft means the shoes will fit more comfortably. There are special oils products for softening the leather which will restores the natural moisture of the leather by deep penetration into the shoe.

When you are cleaning your shoes, do not forget to take care of the inside of the shoe. Using Eucalyptus oil prevents the deterioration of the stitching and growing the mould in the interior of the shoe.

If you find some problems developing in the stitching or the soles, I suggest for you to make a trip to the local repair shop for shoes. Shoemaker will term of lengthened shoe life.

Many people to caring for their shoes are using various household products which are not specifically created for leather shoes cosmetic, but they are giving good effects. For example, petroleum jelly rubbed into the leather then allowed to sit for minutes before being wiped will keep leather shoes looking great.

Remember that the most important part of maintaining well a leather shoes is the daily cleaning and care.