Get rid of your wrinkles with this simple cosmetic treatment!

Author: Marcos Sydney

It is not fair when you are still young, energetic, and have a dynamic personality, but all that is hiding behind your wrinkles. Wrinkles are a common sign of ageing, but other factors can create wrinkles on your skin even when you are young. For example, repetitive facial reactions such as sunlight, smoking cigarettes, or even laughter can create undesired wrinkles at a younger age.

You cannot stop yourself from ageing, but there are simple cosmetic treatments that you can do to do justice to your age and youthful spirit. They are affordable, safe, and available in your local area. Of course, we are talking about non-invasive treatments such as skin boosters that you can find in your town or botox in Gillingham.

These treatments can help you reduce wrinkles and keep your youthful spirit alive. They are not painful, and you can expect results in less than a week. They will help you look healthier, more youthful, and more energetic. You can also combine different treatments for an even more dramatic effect. So don't worry about your wrinkles; don't let them hide your youthful spirit. There are treatments available that can help you make justice to your age and energy.

What are these simple treatments?

In this article, we use the term "simple treatments" to refer to those cosmetic treatments that are non-invasive and do not require surgical intervention. Also, the effect of these treatments is not permanent. Depending on the treatment, the effects could last from two months to a year. The temporary effects of the treatments make them safer for you.

So what are some of these simple treatments? Skin Boosters, Lip Fillers, and Botox are some of these injectable cosmetics that, when combined, can give you fantastic results to return your youth to your skin.

Lets look into them a bit deeper:


Botox is a neurotoxic protein used to relax or paralyse a muscle. Professional cosmetic doctors have been using Botox to stop wrinkles on the skin. When injected by a professional, it can act quickly, showing results in less than two days, and depending on the doses; its effects can last up to six months.

But how can a muscle relaxer remove your wrinkles? To answer that, you will need to think about your facial expressions. You create wrinkles whenever you smile or stare at direct sunlight and start squinting. Botox relaxes or even paralyses the muscle, so your facial expression no longer creates wrinkles. Do that for an extended period of time, and add to it anti-wrinkle creams, and you will see how quickly your skin recovers that smooth look.

Is Botox dangerous?

Absolutely not! When applied by professional cosmetic doctors, Botox poses no risks to your body. However, only a professional practitioner must be allowed to perform the treatment. So make sure to get your Botox treatment done at a reputable local cosmetic clinic. For instance, Your Slimming & Cosmetic Clinic is a fantastic option for these treatments in Bournemouth, but they can also treat you with botox in Gillingham.

The treatment is not painful at all and is very quick and non-invasive. So there is nothing to fear when you go for Botox treatment with a cosmetic professional. The results are very quick to see, and you will feel fantastic in no time.

Did you know? Botox is also used to treat migraines with great success.

Skin Boosters

Skin Boosters have a completely opposite objective than Botox. Instead of relaxing or paralysing the muscles, a skin booster works as a filler to recuperate the volume where it is lost.

For instance, with ageing, or even with a quick weight loss, your cheeks might lose volume causing the skin to drop and create undesired wrinkles. In that scenario, a professional cosmetic doctor and apply an injection of skin booster, filling that volume gap and bringing up the skin, eliminating the wrinkles caused by the dropped skin.

Skin boosters are also famous for lips, commonly known as lip fillers. This popular treatment allows you to have those irresistible thick lips every Hollywood star has.

Are Skin Boosters safe?

They are, as long as a professional cosmetic doctor applies them. They are the only ones that can assess your skin conditions to provide the right doses. Usually, you will find that on the first treatments, you will receive a very minimal dose of skin booster. That approach is the most effective because it paves the way for larger doses later on. However, if you receive more than what your skin can take, it can have harmful consequences in the future.

How can you prepare for your Botox or skin booster treatment?

Preparing for your simple cosmetic treatment is very straightforward. The first and utmost is to find a reliable cosmetic clinic where you can be certain that a professional cosmetic doctor will evaluate you and handle the treatment. You don't want to leave your skin in the wrong hands.

A second step is to stay away from anticoagulant medicines, such as aspirin. Extra sleep is also beneficial but be careful to sleep on your back after receiving the treatment as you do not want to add pressure to the affected areas.

The same applies to massaging the treated area, don’t do it for at least 48 hours, otherwise you could spread the botos or skin booster to other areas.

Are you ready for your Botox treatment? Go to Your Slimming & Cosmetic clinic in Bournemouth and Gillingham to do it right. They are prepared to give you their professional treatments by cosmetic doctors and cosmetic practitioners. Rejuvenate your skin today by calling the team at Your Slimming & Cosmetic Clinic.