Horse Riding Training | Zippy Ground work

Author: Zippy Equestrian
Zippy Horse Riding Training

Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned horse lover, you will benefit from the horse riding training provided by Zippy Ranch. The facility offers a wide range of equestrian services,

from equestrian consultancy to show jumping training and stable management. horse riding classes They also offer a number of certification programs for riders.

Ground work

Developing good ground work habits is an important part of horsemanship. Not only does it make your horse comfortable and safe, but it also helps develop a strong bond between you and your horse.

Unlike lunging, ground work involves body movement rather than hand cues. It is an excellent way to work an injured horse or a horse that is too old to be ridden. It is also a good way to prepare your horse for a riding lesson.

Groundwork teaches your horse things that aren't natural, and it will help your horse better understand the things you ask of it. It is also an excellent way to tutor new riders.

The best way to get started with ground work is to start with a step-by-step program. This will ensure that you and your horse progress smoothly.

On Saddle

During horse riding training, there are many different exercises that are conducted in hopes of increasing the rider's skills. However, a great tip is to start with the basics.

The best way to do this is to work on a horse's ground manners. This will make it easier for the horse to transition to being tacked.

The most important thing to keep in mind during this process is that your horse needs to be exposed to pressure on his sides. This is something that most horses are nervous about when they are first tacked.

To help you with this task, you can use a girth. You can place the girth over the horse's legs and then rub the girth over the horse's belly. This will give the horse some pressure and it will become more used to the idea of moving around in a saddle.

Stable Manners

Getting your horse to respect you will go a long way in your quest to make your ride pleasant. To that end, you need to learn how to be a good leader. Your best bet is to establish and maintain a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior.

To be a leader, you must be assertive. Your first step in proving your authority is to make sure your horse understands that you are the alpha.

In addition to establishing your leadership, you must also be mindful of the small stuff.

This means you need to keep your personal belongings off the ground. If you do this, you are more likely to avoid an embarrassing mishap. You should also tidy up your personal items before repacking them.

General walk, trot, and canter

Whether you're looking to compete or just enjoy horse riding, you'll need to know how to ride at various speeds.

From the simplest walk to a full-out gallop, horses can go at all kinds of speeds.

There are five natural gaits that a horse can perform. In fact, many breeds of horses have special gaits. These include English and Western. Some of the more common gaits include canter, lope, trot, and jog.

There are also artificial gaits. These are developed for use in competitions and are similar to the natural gaits. The artificial gaits are also called "pacing" or "ambling" gaits.

The horse's footfall pattern is based on the proper placement of bone columns in its legs. This helps it to move forward in a straight line.


Whether you are preparing for a cross-country event or just looking for a new challenge, it is a good idea to attend a cross-country schooling session.

These sessions are offered in a variety of locations and are a great way to get some expert advice from experienced instructors.

First, you should decide on the type of course you will be taking. A novice course may be very short and use terrain to prepare for jumps. On the other hand,

an advanced course will be longer and have more obstacles. You should also decide on the optional fences you want to compete on.

The first fences on the cross-country course are usually challenging. This allows your horse to find his stride and focus on the next obstacle.