Why comingled waste recycling matters for businesses and residents in Australia

Author: Richmond Waste

Waste recycling is encouraged for all waste generation activities because it reduces the need for raw materials for manufacturing. Some waste materials, such as plastic bottles, pizza boxes, cardboard, glass, plastic, and styrofoam, are easily recyclable. Comingled recycling, also known as single-stream recycling, is a straightforward recycling solution in which all plastic, metals, paper, and other recyclables are mixed in the same bin, making it an appealing option for Australian households. Dual stream comingled recycling uses two recycling bins, one for plastic, glass, and metals and the other for paper and paper products such as cardboards. Workers ensure that no item is placed in the wrong bin before transporting it to a recycling facility.

Once recyclables are placed in curbside bins, they are collected by a professional comingled recycling service, such as Richmond Waste, and transported to a materials recovery facility, or MRF, where they are sorted using various methods such as conveyor belts, screens, scanners, magnets, forced air, and so on. The staff double-checks to ensure that the correct items are on the correct track. The items that have been sorted are placed in the designated recycling bins to be processed into new material. Organic waste such as fruits, vegetables, eggshells, and so on goes in the green recycling bin. The yellow recycling bin is for paper, while the orange bin is for metals. Comingled recycling is commonly used in restaurants, hotels, and cafes.

Many waste types can be easily recycled and reused

The comingled recycling process reduces the amount of waste that must be buried in a landfill or burned. It also reduces environmental pressure by lowering the demand for raw materials such as plastic, glass, metals, and papers. Metals such as aluminium can be easily recycled and reused to make new cans. Plastic, which is typically composed of resins, is easily recycled and reused multiple times. Around 17 trees are saved from logging operations for every tonne of paper recycled through comingled recycling. Glass can be melted down and reused numerous times.

Advantages of comingled recycling services:

It saves space because it eliminates the need for multiple bins to separate waste items.

The process is also environmentally friendly because it eliminates the need to manufacture raw materials.

  • Provides a quick and easy disposal method.
  • Efficient segregation process.
  • Helps in the management of disposables in congested areas.
  • Reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
  • Makes people aware of recycling
  • Cost-efficient

Waste recycling reduces carbon footprint

Comingled recycling is more than just recovering material from waste for Richmond Waste; it is a sustainable economic and circular economic system. When a company is involved in both ends of the recycling process, it not only benefits the environment but also saves money. Businesses and households can significantly reduce their carbon footprints by implementing comingled recycling programs. Businesses can also save money on raw materials by selling scraps after production.

Preserving topsoil and reducing pressure on landfills

Richmond Waste's comingled recycling solutions make it relatively simple for consumers to participate in curbside recycling programs. By utilising advanced comingled recycling methods, the company reduces the expenditure associated with manufacturing new products, and thus the financial expenditure on the economy. Aluminium cans are widely used in Australia, and recycling them reduces the demand for bauxite ores. Comingled recycling also relieves strain on landfills, where waste can sit for decades and emits harmful greenhouse gases. Landfill waste erodes the topmost fertile soil as well. Comingled recycling reduces the amount of waste in the landfill, protecting the topmost layer from depletion of vital nutrients.

Richmond Waste provides a wide range of waste collection and recycling services to Australian residents and businesses, including construction waste, commercial waste, pathological waste, liquid waste, document destruction, and more. The company currently serves the council areas of Lismore, Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, and Richmond Valley.