Online Gaming Addiction

Author: Chandan Kumar

The Internet has altered how we communicate and spend our time on it. Many people nowadays would struggle to spend even a few hours outside, let alone a day, without using their mobile phone. Mobile phone applications are one of the primary ways in which the Internet has affected the gaming industry. Excessive online gaming is common these days, and it can lead to online gaming addiction. The fact that more young people now have access to smartphones is the primary cause of this addiction. Allowing children to use phones, and they play more games on them without worry about their health specially eye’s sight. The main reason for online gaming addiction is that it relieves stress, allows them to relax, and makes them happy. However, online gaming allows them to escape from reality. Online games are used by students to relieve stress, but excessive use can lead to poor academic achievement, loss of concentration, poor academic performance, and decreased interactions with others. As a result of spending so much time playing, they become sleep deprived and failure to finish tasks at school or at home. As a result, their overall academic performance tolerates. Gamers also have poor diets because they drink too many sugary and caffeine-laden soft drinks. People who are addicted to online gaming are moody, irritable, depressed, and physically aggressive in nature. According to one newspaper, nearly ten students under the age of sixteen committed suicide as a result of this addiction. They should spend more time exploring other things rather than online gaming, which provides the same level of entertainment. Gaming is a fun, social way to pass the time. Students should use gaming to develop teamwork skills and also mental activation skills. More and more people are becoming trapped in this cycle, and they require assistance to overcome their addiction to online gaming. The excellent news is that help is available for anyone suffering from online gaming addiction. Thousands of people have improved their ways thanks to the online Game Quitters programme, and also if you are addicted with online gaming you can also change your life by joining online game quitters programmes.