Prosthesis- All That You Need to Know

Author: Sibley Warner

It is a synthetic limb that is fitted to the amputee of a patient who has lost a limb due to an injury or accident. The objective of a prosthetic leg above knee is to provide the person with the missing limb that has unfortunately amputed by surgical operation owing to prolonged illness, or any accident.

What are the questions you should ask yourself prior to considering prosthetics?

There are certain queries which you must consider including;

  • How much pain do you experience?
  • What is your mobility requirement?
  • Is your other leg healthy?
  • How was your previous mobility experience?

Once, you are aware of your own queries, you can then take a look over the benefits of prosthetics:

Benefits of a Prosthetic Leg above Knee –

  1. Regardless of age, gender or profession, anyone can consider prosthetic leg above knee.
  2. Prosthetics are completely fitted to the lost part which means, the replacement and the feeling of absent body part is on longer there.
  3. Prosthetics are artificial however, their results are not.
  4. Prosthetic leg above knee enhances the mobility of the patient to an extended level.
  5. Prosthetics look almost similar to actual leg and hence allow the patient to live with confidence and not social insecurity.
  6. Prosthetics appear in various designs so that anybody looking out for it could find its solution.
  7. Prosthetics improves the overall life of the patient by making him positive and energetic.

Taking care of your prosthetics-

Since prosthetics are artificial devices so it is mandatory that you provide utmost care to them. Some of the precautions that are recommended include:

  • Wear the right shoes with your prosthetics.
  • Keep your socks clean so that there is no scope of poor sanitization.
  • Push yourself to move more so that your flexibility increases and prosthetics support your movement.
  • Stay positive and maintain a positive outlook so that it helps you lead your new life with acceptance and not as a compromise.
  • Cooperate with your medical specialists.

Reach out to the professional prosthetics provider

If you are constantly in pain even after your surgery then it is time that you do not hold on any further and seek a professional prosthetic provider such as LuxMed. A clinically approved prosthetic provider would offer you the best consultation post evaluating your specific case. The team of professionals would guide you to choose the right prosthetics out of all the available designs. It is advised to cooperate with your medical professionals as these are the people who are there to transform your life of suffering into something useful. They are the ones who are trying to making you become absolutely independent.

Why choose LuxMed?

Know that not all prosthetics suit everyone. For every different case, there is an ideal prosthetic. LuxMed is specialized in offering solutions based on your specific prosthetic requirements. There is a wide range of prosthetics available at the clinically approved facility.