An overview of an acoustic treatment

Author: Noise Problems

Acoustic treatment products treat the room with the absorbing materials placed in. The materials treat the room by lessening echo, reverberation and standing waves etc. Absorbing materials like mineral wool and acoustic foam don’t prevent sound from leaking out of the room.

Acoustic tiles, for instance, will reduce the aliveness of the room making it more suitable for recording music, performing music and also listening to music in.

Soundproofing is the isolating of the room from its external world. It also lessens sound leakage between the rooms. So for instance, if you have two recording rooms together you will require sound proofing to lessen Studio A being impacted by Studio B.

Mineral wool and acoustic foam will enhance room isolation but just very slightly. To be able to soundproof properly involves much work and cost. To gain flawless sound isolation you ideally require building a room within a room. This can be very costly but there are some inexpensive and simple solutions that can enhance sound insulation and lessen sound leakage. First of all, it is a great idea to completely seal doors with a soundproof door cover, as this is where most sound transmission happens. Obviously, if this done, the installation of a ventilation unit is required. Another solution is to turn down the levels.

The purpose of acoustic foam is to lessen echo time and to usually enhance the acoustic of the room. By installing products like noise cancelling speakers, Bass Traps recordings are defined and tight rather than having way too much color.

Acoustic treatment is also required in a room where blending is going to happen. If the room has too much echo and too long of an echo time, then mixes will be out of time and inferiorly judged.

Nonetheless, too much acoustic treatment can be installed. This may result in abnormal recordings. The results will show a lack of color and can create a very hard room to work in. This is why we never treat a room with complete acoustic foam. We work on percentages. We commence with the minimum and keep adding little by little until we get the ideal sound or the sound the client is trying to get. By leaving some of the ceilings and walls bare, there are still some reflective surfaces that assist to keep the room a bit more vivacious. Every room is different and every room takes much precaution and planning. The structure of a room, its width in proportion to its length and height all has a bearing on how the room sounds and the amount of acoustic treatment that is required.

Eventually, there is always a product that suits every situation. They assist to break up the plain looking walls to add another dimension to the room speaking of outlook. An inspiring look will definitely translate into inspired performances and music.