Precautions and Safety Measures Before and After a Hair Loss Treatment

Author: Chetna Sharma

The majority of healthy individuals shed up to 100 hair strands each day. New strands develop to replace the ones you lose as part of the hair growth cycle. Alopecia is a condition in which you begin to lose more hair; it either doesn't grow back or grows back very little (hair loss). There are various types of hair loss, which can affect children and adults of any gender. For many people, losing their hair can be emotionally challenging. Baldness may develop as a result of some types of hair loss. The most typical type of hair loss is baldness (androgenic alopecia).

While many people do not know this, when it comes to hair loss treatment, this is a medical procedure; hence, as those who go through the same, it is important to ensure that you follow the precautions. Once you know specifications like where you can get a hair treatment in Kolkata, it is important to make sure that you can shift your attention to the other features, like the precautions and the measures you need to take up in due course.

It is very important to understand that every surgical process includes some precaution and safety measures, and based on the requirement, it continues to change. Why do we suggest you take up the precautions and the safety measures? One of the major reasons we suggest you go ahead with this process is because it can help you reduce the healing process, and there are much fewer chances of contracting any infection.

As you might know, any hair loss treatment's ultimate aim is to ensure that it can redeem the thinning hairline. Even if you get in touch with professionals who are experts in the process of hair transplantation, they will suggest you follow the basic guidelines, which are very important for protecting your safety.

Safety Measures To Take Before the Hair Transplant Procedure

We must mention here that the hair loss treatment program is a fairly safe procedure, and there are usually not many complications associated with the same. However, at the same time, there are some basic specifications that you need to take up to ensure that you do not incur any implications. Some of the most important measures that you can take up before the hair loss treatment process are:

1. Clothes

After taking up the hair loss treatment program, we suggest being extremely careful while you wear or open your clothes. Why so? One of the major reasons we ask you to be extremely careful with your clothes is that they can cause some accidents while you are handling them, which might induce bleeding. In this case, we will always suggest that you try to wear shirts with buttons at least a few days after your hair loss treatment program.

2. Alcohol and Smoking

If you have ever undergone any surgical process in the past, you will be able to know that alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited before most of them. When it comes to hair loss treatment procedures, we always recommend that you abstain from drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes entirely for at least three days prior to the beginning of the entire process.

Why so? Alcohol and cigarette smoking can lead to blood toxicity, which might, in turn, be a kick-start to other infections. Not only that, even after the hair loss treatment program, we suggest you try to get in touch with your doctor and ask them before you resume alcohol drinking or smoking.

3. Medication

The next question that many patients have before they take up the hair loss treatment program is what should be the prescription for their medication intake. In this case, the best advice we can give you is to make sure that you take complete guidelines from not only the one who is providing you with the hair loss treatment but even your treating doctor. You will notice in most cases that doctors suggest you be completely off from aspirin in case you take any.

It also ensures you get done with all the routine tests, which is indeed very important. We have noticed that many professionals will suggest you keep your diabetes or pressure tablets off for the day that you are taking up the treatment. It is because it can interfere with your treatment procedure and is strictly prohibited in most cases. Still, ensure that you get in touch with the doctor and take advice from them.

Precautions To Take Up After the Procedure

You might notice some effects after the procedure, so it is important to be careful in this case. Some of the most common things that you need to be careful of as patients are:

  • Swelling

We have noticed that in a lot of cases, after the hair loss treatment program, there might be persistent swelling. Usually, you will see that the area from your forehead to the eyebrows gets the most swollen. In most cases, the professionals suggest that you sleep at an elevated angle of 45 degrees and for around three to five nights after the hair loss treatment program. Not only that, but to be on the safe side, you can even choose to use a headband that can help you feel relaxed.

  • Pain

Commonly, you might sometimes develop pain due to the hair transplant process; however, in most cases, there is no pain observed at all. You can use some painkillers if you develop any pain after the process. However, the best decision you can take in this case is not to self-diagnose and ask your professional about the painkiller you can consume. Not only that, but in most cases, we have seen that the pain is usually quite tolerable.

  • Itching

Yes, you read it right! One of the most common complaints for anyone who goes through the hair loss treatment program is persistent itching, which is usually unavoidable as well. Try to avoid itching, which will subside in the upcoming week.

We will suggest that being a little careful during the entire process can be helpful for you, and it usually does not invite a lot of detailed specifications. When it comes to hair loss treatment in Kolkata or most other locations, these are usually the precautions and safety measures that the client needs to follow.


If you want to ensure that you have the most affordable hair transplant cost in Kolkata and find a sustainable option that can aid you throughout, feel free to get in touch with the hair loss experts of Dr Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions. Hair loss treatment is very promising; hence, ensure you are always under the proper supervision.