How Does Hair Transplant Surgeon Calculate The Cost?

Author: Marmm Klinik

Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Permanent hair loss is genetic whereas temporary hair loss can take place due to several reasons like stress, poor diet, seasonal effects, chronic illness, and hair products. Hair transplant Indore is the best procedure for genetic hair loss.

Genetic hair loss is a serious health issue that removes the hair follicles from your scalp permanently. Since this condition is permanent, dead hair follicles never come back to the scalp.

Hair transplant surgery is the only effective treatment for baldness and hair loss. In this procedure, the surgeon transplants the hair from the donor area to the recipient region of the scalp to get satisfactory results.

Hairs in the back and sides are baldness resistant. Therefore, the top hair doctor in Indore will remove healthy hairs from only this region of the scalp.

A lot of patients have undergone this effective treatment and they are now living normal life. However, some cases of hair transplants did not show satisfactory results.

Therefore, it is natural to think about the success rate of hair transplants before the treatment.

In this blog, we will talk about some factors that affect the success rate after hair transplant surgery.

Diagnosis before the treatment

Your treatment will yield good results if it is based on correct diagnosis. Hair transplant surgery is suitable for male pattern baldness. Your surgeon will check your scalp before the surgery to determine the correct type of hair loss. If you are really facing genetic hair loss, the surgeon will treat you with the help of hair transplant.

Your candidacy:

Just diagnosis before the treatment would not work. You have to prove that you are a good candidate.

A person with male pattern baldness is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. Moreover, good health condition before the treatment is also a necessary condition. The surgeon will look at the donor region before the surgery as well. If your donor area has healthy hair follicles, the surgeon will perform the surgery. Visit the clinic with realistic expectations since the treatment is not magic.

Hair transplant techniques

There are mainly two techniques to perform hair transplant. Which we know as follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. Your surgeon will choose a suitable technique according to your candidacy and preferences.

Survival of hair follicles:

To have a high success rate, the surgeon has to keep the hair follicles safe during the surgery. Mainly surgeons use a special solution to keep the hair follicles safe for the treatment.

Survival of hair follicles is necessary after the treatment as well. However, hair shedding may take place in the scalp after the treatment but it is a temporary phase. Hairs will grow again since the follicular unit is safe inside the skin.

Sometimes, hair shedding takes place permanently. It happens due to the inexperience and inefficiency of the surgeon.

Conclusively, if you get a natural look with proper hair growth in the recipient area, we will say that your results are satisfactory. Therefore, always choose a capable surgeon for hair transplant in Indore who may diagnose and treat the hair loss issue efficiently.