[KB63363916]-Steps to Fix Microsoft Office Installation Error Code 1713

Author: Mia Lucas

The following Error code 1713 in Microsoft office 2019/2021/365 in windows 11/10 operating system, occurs when internet connection, firewall, or deputy settings and other interpretation office lines in the PC precluding you from installing Office 365/2021/2019.

Easy fix Error Code 1713 in Microsoft office 2019/2021/ 365 in windows 11/ 10 operating systems

Then are the results to fix this Microsoft Office Installation Error Code 1713.

Temporary Windows protector disable to fix the error code 1713 in office 2019/2021/365
  1. Open Windows Security
  2. Click Virus & trouble in windows security window
  3. Click Manage settings, under Virus & trouble protection
  4. Switch Real- time protection to Off.

How to turn of Antivirus software Temporarily

  1. Open Antivirus operation (McAfee or Norton or AVG) installed on the computer.
  2. Click on settings and goto to real time protection
  3. Select Turn Off real time protection
  4. Navigate to Antivirus firewall and elect Turn off Antivirus Firewall
[KB63363916]- SFC Scan to repair the damaged or corrupt documents
  • Right click on windows start button and elect Windows Terminal in Admin
  • Type in SFC/ scannow in the command window
  • Stay for the checkup to finish. If no error set up near the windows Outstation in Admin
  • Still, type the command below in same window
  • If SFC finds any issue

DISM/ Online/ Cleanup- Image/ restorehealth

If the Office 365/2021/2019 Installation Error Code 1713 difficulty nonetheless persists, then carry out all of the steps Talk to our experts or observe the stairs given under.

Registry restore to repair the Error code 1713 in windows 10/11
  1. Press Windows R and type regedit
  2. In the navigation pane on the left side of the window got to the Registry key,
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE software programs Microsoft office
  4. Cancel the office brochure
  5. Exit the registry and renew your computer.
  6. Check if you can installation Microsoft 365 without getting any error. Is n’t also follow the step given below to use Microsoft office tool.

Following the way below

  1. Download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant mileage.
  2. https//aka.ms/ SaRA- officeUninstallFromPC
  3. Run the downloaded trainSetupProd_OffScrub.exe operation.
  4. Install the Microsoft recovery tool.
  5. When the installation is completed, click Agree the term and conditions by clicking Yes.
  6. stay until the ‘ Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant ’ troubleshooting the issue complete.
  7. Elect the checkbox, at the left wing of the Office product which you have name to elect all the installed Office products and click Next.
Office Reinstall
  1. Open Office My Account by goingwww.office.com/myaccount and Login to Office account using your registered dispatch ID and word.
  2. Click on install Option under the Office product in your account.
  3. Save the installer setup lines if urged and run it once download is completed.
  4. Don’t go offline or reboot the computer formerly installation is initiated.
  5. Click on finish button once the program is installed fully.

If the issue persists Error code 1713 in windows10/11

In this case we need to reset windows 10/ windows 11 operating system. Follow the instruction below how to reset the PC.

Disclaimer: We recommend you do the reverse up before we do these way, during reset Windows 11 and windows 10 installation means that all your lines and settings will be lost during the reset process.

Windows 10 – Reset your PC
  1. Select launch> Settings> System> Recovery. Open Recovery settings.
  2. Coming to Reset this PC, elect Reset PC. also choose from the options and/ or settings in the table below.
Windows 11 – Reset your PC
  1. Select launch> Settings> System> Recovery. Open Recovery settings.
  2. Coming to Reset this PC, elect Reset PC. also choose from the options and/ or settings in the table below.

In Conclusion

still, also we suggest you to choose a Technical Support from us to help you better, If you have problem in following this styles. I’m sure they will give you the stylish results to resolve this Microsoft Office Installation Error Code 1713 fully. You can also visit our website for further information.
