Beautiful and Elegant Masonic Swords
Swords have been seen as symbol of valour, truth, justice, equality and firmness throughout the history. Swords have found significant importance in all the civilizations of the world at all stages of time. Swords are revered by freemasons as well. Freemasonry is a community that believes in philanthropy, philosophy and modernity. Its aim is to attain the real understanding of truth and ethics along with the practice of solidarity. Freemasons work for the prosperity and moral development of humanity. Freemasons use swords in all their rituals and ceremonies. The swords embodied with Masonic symbols are called Masonic Swords. The Masonic Swords of 19th and 20th centuries are considered to be truly valuable and are a matter of pride for the owners.
Significance and History of Masonic Swords:
- The Knights Templar was a community of Christian knights that came into existence during the period of Crusades. The motive behind this community was to protect Christians when they went on pilgrim tours to holy lands.
- The ground rule of Knights Templar society was that they would never draw their swords out until and unless there was a true need for justice. Many of their swords, especially the ones used in Spain had a quote engraved on them- "No me saques sin rason. No me embaines sin honour"; which means that "Do not draw me without justice, do not sheath me without honour."
- It is believed that freemasons were highly influenced by this secret society. Masonic Swords were and still are designed in relation with the history and aim of the Knights Templar. They carry the Masonic symbols that convey the message of Knight Templar. Perhaps this is the reason freemasons religiously use Masonic swords in all their rituals and ceremonies.
The Beauty of Masonic Swords:
- Masonic Swords are beautiful and highly symbolic. They are carved with symbols, emblems and motifs of freemasons that depict their central principles of justice, honour, integrity and truth.
- Swords are made of different metals such as silver, gold, brass and bronze.
- Masonic Swords are masterfully embellished with gems and jewels that increases their visual appeal and monetary value.
- Short versions of Masonic swords known as Masonic daggers have blades of length 12 to 14 inches. These swords are richly engraved with Masonic symbols of Compass and Square.
Masonic swords are beautiful and elegant. They are symbol of bravery, honour and truth. They are one of those priced possessions that can be cherished every day. For more details, please viist