Sleeve: What is it and what are its uses in packaging?

Author: Zixin Yuan

Sleeves are reusable materials that can be used in packaging for any type of cargo or merchandise. Its reuse allows reducing costs, both energy and economic, within the logistics chain.

What are the sleeves used in packaging?

The sleeving machine in industrial packaging is a fastening material made mainly of plasticized polyethylene. This characteristic makes it a durable, resistant and safe material for the transport of any cargo or merchandise. In addition, they can be adapted to different dimensions, which makes it better respond to customer needs, whatever the dimensions or the design and lettering.

The sleeving machine is simple to use, since the operator will only have to go around the perimeter of the goods. This done, the sleeves are overlapped and the sleeve is placed quickly and easily. It is becoming more and more common to use cardboard sleeve instead of other types of traditional packaging, as it saves on economic costs, time and is more environmentally friendly. Its ecological characteristic lies not only in the fact that it is reusable, but also that less CO2 emissions are generated from its manufacture.

What are its uses

The sleeve in the packaging have all kinds of uses and we can find them customized in an endless number of sectors, since they withstand a large number of reuses and large amounts of loads. It is very common to see them in frozen foods, in cleaning products, in magazines or books, in cans of canned goods or soft drinks, in boxes of chocolates, in the pharmacy, in pasta packages, etc.

The sleeve wrapping machines are very versatile, as they have an effective, clean and fast system. They perform heat or ultrasonic welding, cold welding, and can create an automated packaging line. The material that is usually used, as will be seen in the next section, is plastic or paper, although the former is usually more resistant if the merchandise is not light.

Sleeving machines also have other types of uses. They are often used to print references, barcodes, company logos, etc. Therefore, two more and different functions can be observed here than the initial one: communication and marketing. They are resistant, versatile and offer a wide variety of colors and widths in their printing, which is why they are frequently used in the sector.

Each sleeving machine, during its operation, can use materials of different qualities, according to the customer's need. However, all of them meet the strictest requirements and have a resistant and safe result. The printing possibilities are unlimited and to them is added the possibility of having a special finish, along with the fact of being able to have up to eight printing colors, sheets, etc.

Advantages of using biodegradable material

Using biodegradable material in the sleeve packaging has many advantages. It means a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a lower cost for the logistics chain. Coming from natural materials, they contribute to the life cycle, as they can be consumed by other organisms. On the other hand, no waste is generated and the carbon footprint is reduced. And all this with the assurance that the results are exactly as the client expects, as well as its load capacity and its operation.

They can be reused, which brings us back to the benefit of cost reduction, as well as lower waste production. Being cheaper, more results can be tested if the first finish is not what is expected, since doing so will not pollute in any way either. Biodegradable materials work with the same efficiency as traditional plastics, but with all the extras that have been mentioned.

To find more information on automatic sleeving machines and cardboard sleeves to replace plastic packaging, please visit

The packaging sleeve adapts to the needs of all types of sectors and customers, supporting large loads of merchandise, and is one of the most environmentally friendly industrial packaging systems. Its possibility of reuse and its wide versatility mean that lower maintenance costs are generated.