Follow these tips for easy online payments
Undoubtedly internet is the biggest boon. There have been strong arguments about the drawbacks and misuse of the internet, however, the pros outweigh the cons. The internet has helped several businesses be they small or big scaled to create a brand name for themselves and generate higher revenue. More and more businesses continue to get listed online each day.
If you are a budding business, you should get yourself listed online as well. Focus on providing quality offering to your customers and come up with exciting discounts. An important key to running a successful business online is having a solid and flexible accept payment online system. Following are the tips to follow to make online payments easier for your customers:
Ask essential information only
A customer is required to fill out certain details like their Name, address, contact number, and email address when making an online purchase. Make sure that you ask essential information only. Customers resent filling out extensive detail requirements. This increases your bounce rate. Also, avoid creating an account as a mandatory requirement for making a purchase. Several customers do prefer creating an account.
If you make account creation a mandatory requirement the customer may consider switching to another portal, they already have an account with or a portal that doesn’t require one.
Provide several payment methods
Customers look for flexibility in payment methods. Accept payment online of all kinds this will assure a seamless buying experience for your customer. Whether it is a direct transfer, Debit Card, Credit Card, or digital wallet provide all payment methods you can. This will help you expand your customer base like none other. Make fixing mistakes easy.
For instance, if the customer has mistakenly entered the wrong OTP digits, they need not complete the entire process again. They can simply re-do the last payment step to make the transaction.
Do not redirect
Redirection to a third-party payment portal is the biggest drawback your business can have. When a customer is redirected to another payment portal page it becomes time-consuming. The customer may choose to cancel their order. Moreover, redirection is often the point of the customer’s trust-breaking away. Several customers refrain from feeding in their account number or card details to a third-party payment portal.
Reassure about privacy and security
Reassure your customers about the privacy and security of their online transactions. Have a disclaimer pop that says that none of their card details is stored unless it is directed so by the customer itself. None of the transaction details is shared with a third party. Hence, they need not worry.
A merchant solution app comes in handy to design a payment system that’s simple and secure.