Can You Go to Umrah Without a Mahram?

Author: Dean Ambrose

With their umrah packages 2023 Manchester, millions of Muslims from all over the world travel every year to perform the holy rituals of umrah. Everyone who does umrah has to follow the same basic rules and regulations. But there are some rules that are different for men and women when it comes to umrah travel. For example, a female pilgrim who wants to perform umrah or hajj needs a Mahram.

The meaning of Mahram.

In the Islamic context, a woman's mahram is someone she can't get married to (not permissible). When a woman is with her male mahram, she doesn't have to cover her head or body with a hijab or tunic.

Who is a woman's legal Mahram?

1. By definition, a woman's legal mahram can be any of the following:

  • Parents.
  • Siblings.
  • Maternal or paternal uncles.
  • Ancestor's brother or sister.
  • Children or grandchildren of siblings who are at least 15 years old.
  1. A woman can also have a foster brother or sister who is related to her through a female ancestor as her mahram.
  2. A woman's husband is also her legal mahram for as long as his wife lives (unless divorced).

How does Umrah work with or without Marham?

In the past, Muslim women couldn't go to Umrah ceremonies alone unless they were with a legal mahram. But recently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came out with a plan called "Saudi Vision 2030," which changed a lot of the country's policies. So, the rules for Hajj and Umrah were also changed.

In Saudi Arabia, the government got rid of the rule that a female pilgrim needs a male mahram. This was done to help women's rights. That means that women can now travel alone to do umrah if they want to. They don't need a male

Mahram with them when they go to the holy kingdom.

For hajj, a woman still needs a mahram.

Here are some rules for a woman going to umrah by herself.

  1. Women don't have to take part in the Ramal ritual.
  2. If there are a lot of people in the area around the Holy Kaabah, women must stay far away from men while performing holy rituals.
  3. Women can't say the Talbiyah prayer out loud like men can.
  4. A woman on Umrah shouldn't do anything to attract the attention of other men.
  5. Women pilgrims have to pray in a separate place (dedicated for female pilgrims).

So, a woman can now go on her own to perform umrah without her male mahram. Still, people should take all the safety precautions they can for their own safety and security.