Upgrade your mobility van with Better Life Mobility equipment

Author: George Velvet

Better Life Mobility is a company specialized in selling mobility equipment and accessories for the disabled. Their main goal is to help people who have a limited range of motion live a more normal life, by offering them scooters, wheelchairs and mobility vans. Besides offering these services, they also upgrade vans, adding accessories such as wheelchair lifts to make transfers easier.

If you have a mobility issue but still want to have your own independency and do all the things healthy people do, you can simply ask the van rehabilitators at Better Life Mobility for assistance. These professionals can equip your car with wheelchair platform lifts and other accessories which will allow you to access and drive the van yourself. We suggest you take a look at www.betterlifemobility.com to see what offers Better Life Mobility has in store. The company’s staff can modify any van to accommodate power wheelchairs or just traditional lightweight models. The biggest concern, for most drivers with disabilities, is the access to the vehicle.However, thanks to technology, the transfer from the ground to the car is easy and hassle free. All you need to do is ask Better Life Mobility experts to install a ramp or lift into your car, one that can be operated through a remote or by pressing a set of buttons located in the car.

If you’ll be curious enough to visit www.betterlifemobility.com, you’ll see that company offers various types of wheelchair platform lifts. Some can be installed in cars but there are also models which are meant to be used indoors. For vans, three of the best platforms are the Bruno Van, Chariot and Curb-Sider. These platforms are mobile and can be installed and stored easily. Because they retract, they occupy little space inside the vehicle, so they’re perfect for everyday use. However, you have to be careful to pick a platform that will be able to carry your weight: some lifts have a more power than others and can lift heavier loads. Using these platforms from www.betterlifemobility.com makes travelling much more comfortable and convenient.

The guys at www.betterlifemobility.com offer revolutionary lifts which are durable, strong and which offer you the flexibility you need. Gone are the days when you needed assistance to get inside a vehicle or out of it. Platform lifts are easy to use and highly reliable. Moreover, the products sold by Better Life company go through rigorous testing, so that you can enjoy total safety and security during your journeys. The staff will be more than glad to show you some of the models available in their shop, if you’ll visit their show-room in San Diego. You won’t be disappointed!With the help of technology, you can have more control over your life and you can maintain an active lifestyle.

If you want quality mobility equipment, count on the guys at www.betterlifemobility.com – they offer a full range of products and accessories for disabled persons.

You can find quality mobility van accessories at http://www.betterlifemobility.com/Locations/Riverside www.betterlifemobility.com. http://www.betterlifemobility.com/Locations/San-Diego Better Life Mobility actively supports mobility challenged persons.