What Are the Two Types of Systems Used in CNC Turning?

Author: Cgl Manufacturing

CNC turning is a process of manufacturing parts out of metal, plastic, and other materials. It involves the use of computer numerical control (CNC) machines to cut and shape raw materials into a three-dimensional model. In order to ensure accuracy and precision, two types of systems are used in CNC turning: direct numerical control (DNC) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Let’s take a closer look at both types.

CNC turning systems are an invaluable aid to manufacturers by allowing them to create complex single and multiple parts with a high level of accuracy. These systems can be categorized into two distinct types: live tooling and turret lathes. Live tooling systems possess tools that rotate around the workpiece and can mill, drill, ream, thread, and engrave components for incredibly precise results. On the other hand, turret lathes are stationary tools in which the raw material is moved into position using an X-Y axis. Both of these types of CNC turning systems provide a range of benefits, from cost savings to decreased setup times as compared to traditional approaches. Through these modern machines, manufacturers can easily acquire precision parts in an efficient manner.

Direct Numerical Control (DNC) System

The DNC system is used for controlling the position of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece. It also controls the speed and direction of the cutting tool. This system is designed to produce parts with high accuracy and repeatability. It requires minimal manual intervention, which makes it highly efficient and cost effective. The DNC system is typically used in large production runs where accuracy is essential.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) System

The CAM system is used for creating virtual models of components before they are machined on a CNC machine. It uses CAD/CAM software to create a digital model that can be manipulated until it meets all design specifications. This system allows engineers to experiment with different designs before committing them to production, which reduces the chances for errors during fabrication or assembly. Additionally, CAM systems allow for rapid prototyping, which helps speed up product development timelines.

If you are considering using CNC turning in Canada and want to make sure you choose the right system, then it may be wise to speak to an expert. Professional advisors of CNC turning in Canada can analyze your needs and provide advice on which system is best for the job. With their help, you can ensure that any CNC turning project is as successful as possible, giving you quality results with minimal effort. Don’t leave such important decisions up to chance—contact a professional for all your CNC needs.


CNC turning is an important part of modern manufacturing processes because it allows for the precise shaping and cutting of materials into complex three-dimensional models quickly and efficiently. To ensure accuracy and repeatability, two types of systems are typically used in CNC turning: direct numerical control (DNC) for controlling position and speed and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) for creating virtual models before machining components on a CNC machine. Both systems have important roles to play in ensuring that final products meet all design specifications while saving time and money during fabrication or assembly processes.