What is social media marketing, and why is it important in 2023?

Author: Sawan Singh

social media marketing This is such marketing, in which marketing is done on the platforms of social media. If you do not know about SMM then today we will try to tell you about every topic related to it.

so let's start

As the world is progressing, the use of the internet is also increasing, nowadays the internet has become the need of people. People spend maximum time on the internet. Therefore, given the conditions, most marketers want to bring their marketing online, and SMM is also an important part of online marketing.

If we talk about statistics, according to datreportal, the number of people using the Internet was 5.07 billion by October 2022, which is 63.5% of the world's population. Out of which the number of active users on social media is 4.74 billion. 59.3% of the world's population uses social media.

By looking at these figures, you must have come to know why it is necessary to do marketing on social media.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing (SMM) is among all the social media platforms. Social media marketing is a part of digital marketing, in this, we do our business through social media.

Social media is made up of two words social + media, nowadays this term is on everyone's tongue. Nowadays, whoever uses the Internet. He spends 1-2 hours a day on social media, therefore, marketers want to bring their marketing to SM.

paid marketing vs organic marketing? 1. Paid marketing is done through ads.
  1. in paid marketing, we can reach the maximum (most) people.
  2. Our visibility will be more in this, because

if the visibility is more, then further (simultaneously) clicks will also increase.

  1. Organic marketing is done by profile/page/group.
  2. In organic marketing, I will be able to reach only a limited number of people.
  3. In this visibility will be limited to the logo only, therefore

visibility will decrease so clicks will also decrease.

Why is social media marketing important in 2023-

The biggest reason for marketing on social media is its traffic. Because every businessman wants to create an image of his brand, and this image is created when you will appear more and more to the people. And you will not get as much appearance as social media anywhere on the internet. For this reason, the role of social media in digital marketing is huge.

Today we will tell you some figures why marketing is necessary on social media, the list of these figures is as follows –

  • By October 2022, the number of active users on SM was 4.74 billion.
  • The number of users of SM is increasing by 4% – 5% per year.
  • According to Statista by 2020, the number of people using social media in India was 518 million.
  • By October 2022, the number of monthly users on Facebook is 2.934 billion.
  • By October 2022, the number of monthly users on YouTube is 2.515 billion.
  • As of October 2022, the number of monthly users on Instagram is 1.386 billion.

Because of these reasons, people are marketing on social media.

How does social media marketing work?

SMM is one of the main types of digital marketing. In this, we do marketing through social media. Today we will tell you an example of how business works on SM.

example -

Let's assume that we have run ads on Facebook through the Facebook ads manager, we are selling a book related to digital marketing in these ads. So our target audience will be those interested in online business. Our ads reached 2000 people on Facebook, 1000 people clicked on the links in these ads, and 500 people bought this book.

So through what was the product purchased? It was bought through SM. So the business that we have done now is through social media. This is how business works on social media.

read also- What is Google Ads Manager, and how do we run ads on YouTube through it?

List of SMM platforms –

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • youtube
  • twitter
  • Pinterest
Facebook marketing-

Facebook is the oldest platform of social media and one of the most preferred social media platforms, this platform comes as the top platform for marketing in social media ( SM) In this, the number of users per month is more than 2.7 billion. Then, marketers are taking advantage of these users and bring their business to Facebook. Both types of business are done on Facebook paid ads and unpaid.

1. paid marketing on Facebook

Paid marketing is done on Facebook (Facebook ads manager) All the ads running on Facebook are managed and operated by Facebook ads. Because the question must be arising in your mind what is Facebook ads manager, it is a Facebook tool or an app using which you can easily run ads on Facebook?

however, for this, you need to see a tutorial on Facebook Ads Manager which you can read about it. consequently, you can run it easily.

2. unpaid (organic) marketing on Facebook

In this marketing, we organically do ourbusiness – by putting our product on our Facebook profile, marketing our product on a Facebook page, marketing by gathering people together in Facebook groups, etc. The biggest weakness of this marketing is its reach, with this business we cannot reach the maximum number of people. But, you can do marketing by using the strategy altogether.

You need a strategy in both marketing, and (as well) it is important to know what things run on Facebook like – long videos and reels.

Long videos have always been running on Facebook, that's why we have to put our content in long videos and we always have to create attractive content so that people can go to our landing page. consequently, working with strategy can bring conversion.

Instagram Marketing-

Instagram is a platform that has been trending for a few years, this platform was launched in 2010, and remained invisible for a few years, earlier there was traffic on this platform, but at that time Facebook was dominant. The speed that this platform has caught in the previous 2 – 3 years is unbelievable, now there are more than 1.08 billion monthly users on Instagram,

therefore, by taking advantage of this traffic, you can easily do online business on Instagram. On this platform too, ads are run by the Facebook ads manager. Two hubs of social media from Facebook ads manager- Facebook, every single ad on Instagram is run from this. are managed.

With Facebook ads manager, we can use Instagram feed, search feed, reel, stories, in-stream, etc. You can run ads in all these places. And you can get your product sold.

youtube marketing-

Youtube is a video-sharing platform, in which you can publish your content by making it in the form of a video. This platform is free and you do not need to pay any money. YouTube is considered to be the best platform for marketing in SM, YouTube is the only platform in which you can do unpaid marketing in the best way.

Twitter marketing-

You must have heard or seen the name twitter somewhere, many of you must be using it too. This is a free social communication and micro-tweeting service, here you can freely send tweets to each other, and unpaid marketing is used on Twitter. Here you will see very little paid marketing.

We also need a strategy on Twitter, there is a big dominance of # tags on Twitter, through which you can do marketing. Proper use of hashtags (#) can reach more and more people, we have to use them by researching hashtags. Only then you can bring conversion.

Pinterest marketing-

Pinterest is one such platform, which is gradually strengthening its hold on social media. This is a platform in which you can do marketing through infographics + videos + photos. You can create your content in these formats and put it on this platform. Up to 70% of the women on Pinterest are categories. If your product is women-related then this platform is best for you.

read also - What is content marketing, and how to apply it in social media?

What is a social media marketing strategy-

To do business on social media, we need a strategy. Whether we do paid marketing or organic, we have to follow a strategy. And we have to implement that strategy properly. If we do marketing on social media by making a strategy. So we can become a presence on social media for a long time. Can bring more engagement.

Today we will tell you some factors, which you can implement while doing business on social media-

Factors of social media strategy –
  • competitor analysis
  • use of social media calendar
  • perfect audience targeting
  • unique content
  • know your goal
  • one strategy to one platform
The future of SMM-

If we talk about the future of this business - the way the use of social media is increasing, in that way business is also increasing in it. That is why the future of marketing is bright in it. The conversion rate in marketing through social media is very good. Due to this marketing, it is increasing day by day. And career opportunities are increasing in this. The way business will increase, in the same way, the number of employees will also increase. Due to this, there is no dearth of job opportunities in it. some of which we will tell you today

List of jobs in SMM-
  • influence marketer
  • social media content writer
  • social media graphic design
  • social media manager
  • social media marketing consultant
  • social media specialist

thank you for reading.