Irregular Menstruation Natural And Herbal Remedies

Author: Lucas Naruka

Delayed periods in biological terms ‘Amenorrhea’ is a very common problem faced by most women. The common causes of delayed periods can be considered as stress, too much exercise, and dietary problems for example anorexia, bulimia or simply poor diet, illness or physiological imbalance e.g. thyroid conditions, etc. In the following section you will find some high quality herbal remedies to this problem.

High Quality Herbal Remedies

  1. Intake of unripe green papaya helps to regularize menstruation related to menopause.
  2. Practicing less strenuous exercises can help regularize your menstrual cycle. Yoga is a good option.
  3. Ground a fresh piece of ginger and boil in a cup of water. Mix a little sugar in it and take it after meals thrice daily for curing painful irregular periods.
  4. Boil 1tsp of saffron to half cup water. Boil it till it reduces to 1tbsp. Divide this decoction into 3 equal parts and consume with equal quantities of water thrice daily for curing painful irregular periods.
  5. Mix 1tsp finely ground cinnamon in a cup of milk and drink it every night before bedtime. It is one of the effective irregular menstruation natural remedies.
  6. Grind bael leaves into a fine paste. Take 1tsp with warm water and follow it up with cold water as well. It is one of the effective irregular menstruation natural remedies.
  7. Gynecure Capsules is a wonderful herbal supplement that can be used for this purpose.
  8. Add 1tsp of coriander seeds to 2 cups of water and boil it till it is reduced to 1 cup. Add sugar to taste and drink when lukewarm. Take it twice or thrice a day. It is one of the effective irregular menstruation natural remedies.
  9. Boil the extract from the roots of banyan tree in water. Mix it in cow’s milk and consume it daily before bedtime. It is one of the effective irregular menstruation natural remedies.
  10. Raw grapes or grape juice is beneficial in regularizing periods.
  11. Parley is another wonderful herb to cure the problem of irregular periods. You can also drink parsley juice alternately.
  12. Grind the seeds of radish with water. Mix it with buttermilk to make a smooth paste. Take it regularly once a day.
  13. Bitter gourd juice or a decoction from the roots of bitter gourd is an useful remedy to address the problem of irregular periods.
  14. Saunf that is fennel seeds is a fantastic natural cure for this problem.
  15. Boil some figs in water. Strain the liquid and take it for a few weeks to cure the problem of irregular periods.
  16. Eat carrots to stimulate your menstrual cycle.
  17. Drinking sugarcane juice is a common remedy that can help you to get your periods early.

Hence we can conclude that following the above mentioned remedies will help us cure the problem of irregular periods.

Read about Irregular Menstruation Treatment. Also know Herbal Treatment for Irregular Menstruation. Read about Loose Vagina Treatment Remedy.