VJ Instruments sells a wide variety of fluid bed dryers, including universal rapid dryers.

Author: Vj Instruments

Also, check out our other offerings, including the Water Maze and the Pharma R&D Tablet Coater.

In the pharmaceutical industry, a fluidized bed dryer, also known as a universal rapid dryer, is used for the drying process of many different types of products. The pharmaceutical industry frequently makes use of the rapid dryer to dry various drugs, powders, granules, and tablets. In addition to conserving energy, it is built to keep the product in pristine condition as it dries.

Because of its versatility and speed, the fluid bed dryer is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. The equipment is also efficient, reliable, and simple to operate. Fluid bed dryers provide a hygienic and uncontaminated environment, guaranteeing that the goods are fit for human consumption. Manufacturers can reduce the time and resources needed to dry their products to industry standards with the help of fluid bed dryers and universal rapid dryers. For decades, people have turned to rapid dryers when they need to be sure that their drying process is going to be as effective and as high-quality as possible.

The universal rapid dryer from VJ Instruments is utilized in laboratories specializing in quality assurance, research, and sample preparation. Allows pharmaceutical bulk materials to be dried gently without overheating any one area. Coarse, fine, crystalline, fibrous, and leafy materials are all acceptable. The final product will be dried, loosened up, and thoroughly mixed thanks to the universal rapid dryer. The product in the fluidized bed is mixed even better with the interval operation. Constant changes can be made to the drying time, air volume, and temperature using the on-screen menus and control panel also they have double cone blender.

Here are a few more categories of goods we're proud to present. Research and Development Tablet Coating Machines and Animal Study Equipment.

Experimental animal water maze.

A rat's ability to learn and remember its way around a maze is one of the factors that scientists examine using a water maze as a behavioral test. As part of an investigation into animal cognition, it is frequently employed as a research tool to examine learning and memory. It was created in 1981 by American psychologist Richard F. Morris and is also known by his name, the Morris Water Maze.

A large circular tank of water serves as the maze's "invisible" foundation. The rat can get out of the water by climbing up onto an escape platform hidden within the maze's walls. The rat won't be able to see the escape platform because it is located some distance from the water maze's edges. Because of the darkness of the water and the occasional presence of floating objects, the rat can use them to help it navigate to the platform.

The rat is dropped off at the beginning of the tank near the escape platform. It then swims around, seemingly aimlessly, looking for the egress platform. The time it takes the rat to locate the platform, the routes it takes while navigating the maze, and the results of subsequent trials are all recorded by the researchers. Software built into the VJ Instruments water maze can automatically perform calculations and analyze key variables for you. Time spent in each quadrant, trajectory, latency to climb the platform, and other parameters is required.

When studying memory and learning in rats, the water maze is an effective tool. It can shed light on how rats acquire knowledge and how they navigate their surroundings. Plethysmometer is one of their best instruments.

Developmental Equipment: Tablet Coater

When it comes to the modern pharmaceutical industry, a tablet coater is an indispensable tool. Tablets and other products can be processed and packaged quickly and easily with the help of a tablet coater. Tablets that have been coated can stay fresh for much longer and are less likely to be ruined by the elements. The tablet's stability and resistance to humidity-related breakdown are both increased by the coating. The tablets are easier to handle and produce because of the coating, which also helps reduce dusting and stickiness.

Tablet coaters employ a variety of coatings, such as film and enteric coatings. In some cases, a tablet coater can improve the bioavailability of a tablet's active ingredients. Thus, the patient can receive a more precise dosage.

Tablet coaters reduce costs by hastening production, enhancing process efficiency, and enhancing quality assurance and safety measures. Furthermore, they lessen the use of resources and the amount of waste produced.

Due to the lower standards of coating facilities in the past, pharmaceutical companies had to produce excessively large quantities of test drugs. Both time and money were completely wasted on this.

The experimental tablet coater machine is a novel piece of equipment designed to process smaller trial batches of tablets or granules. The R&D tablet coater machine has a special set of smaller coating pan sizes, including 4" and 6", to accommodate a variety of applications. This guarantees that the trial run's batch size is never too large. The coating pan of the Pharma R&D tablet coater machine is supported at an angle of 35° to 45° from the horizontal. The machine's sleek exterior is made of SS 304.

When it comes to research and development tools, animal behavior instruments and mazes, transdermal machines, and Pre Clinical instruments, Vj Instruments is your best bet. VJ Instruments is a corporation that manufactures scientific instruments for use in the pharmaceutical and preclinical research industries. We stock a wide variety of high-quality items that are designed with "ease of use" in mind and meet all relevant quality standards. Our company is managed by experts with years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector who are familiar with the sector's unique needs. VJ Instruments' constant manufacturing, software development, and R&D efforts inform our knowledge of industry developments, technological advances, and client preferences. Please see vjinstruments.com for further details.