Diaphragm Pump Problems: How to Prevent Them
We'll go through the most typical issues that may develop while utilizing Diaphragm Pumps nowadays, as well as how to prevent the pre-anxiety and post-anxiety that Diaphragm Pump issues can bring on.
Although you undoubtedly already know that installing an Air Operated Diaphragm Pump incorrectly may result in a variety of problems, you may not be aware that some of these problems may not manifest themselves immediately.
A significant risk of vibration across the discharge line might come from improper pump mounting, which is the major source of vibration. Many diaphragm pumps are placed on the floor, which causes the pump to vibrate and, as a result, causes the major parts of the pump to loosen.
This may then result in leaks coming from several locations, which you absolutely want to prevent! The pump being fixed directly to inflexible pipework, which may also produce vibration inside the line and put a great deal of pressure on the pipework and its fasteners, is another major source of vibration in addition to the strain on all moving elements.
How to Prevent:
Well, to put it simply... install your pump properly! One of the most crucial aspects of Diaphragm Pump installation is mounting the pump to a stable surface with anti-vibration feet. This is readily accomplished by employing a mounting bracket with anti-vibration feet that is mounted on the wall or floor.
Installing a meter of Flexi Hose on the pump's inlet and exit before connecting to rigid pipework is the best course of action for preventing vibration inside the line. When removing the pump from the line, this is also useful.
Dry Running
Dry operating a diaphragm pump is not advised even if there are no known negative consequences. Due to the absence of media within the pump, dry operating a pump for an extended length of time will result in increased wear on all of the valve balls and diaphragms, among other working parts.
As a result, the valve balls are constantly banging against an exposed valve seat, which may lead to the valve balls being misshapen and wearing down significantly.
How to Prevent:
While there are several strategies to prevent dry running, using a Guardian System is one of the best ones. They are very good at keeping an eye on the fluid discharge pressure of the pump, which shuts off if the pressure drops below a certain threshold, allowing air to enter the pump.
Compatible Pumps
When choosing and installing a new pump, it's important to make sure your media is compatible with the materials used in its construction. Incompatibility of the medium may cause a variety of problems, including excessive wear or even component failure. If the media is dangerous, it may potentially cause injury to the user by exiting the pump and entering the atmosphere.
How to Prevent:
When choosing a pump, we compare the material of the pump being given to your media's compatibility. However, we do always advise utilizing a compatibility chart. We also utilize two of the ones that are listed below. Please make sure you examine every part of the media in case it contains several substances.