The Advantages of Robotic-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery

Author: Rohit Gupta

Orthopedic surgery is a procedure that’s used to treat injuries and problems with the bones, joints, and muscles in the body. Robotic-assisted orthopedic surgery (RAOS) is a newer form of surgical assistance that uses robots to assist in the procedure. RAOS has many advantages over traditional orthopedic surgery, including faster and more accurate procedures, reduced risk of infection, and decreased exposure to harmful radiation. In this blog post, some of the advantages of RAOS and why it’s becoming increasingly popular, will be discussed.

The advantages of RAOS are numerous. The precision and accuracy of the surgical tools allow for less trauma to the patient, which leads to a shorter recovery time and enhanced quality of life. Additionally, robotic surgery is safer and does not require anesthesia or incisions. This makes it ideal for patients who fear medical procedures or cannot tolerate pain medication.

How does robotic-assisted surgery work?

RAOS is a type of surgery that uses robots to assist the orthopedic surgeons. The robot helps the surgeon by performing certain delicate tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for humans to perform. Here surgeons focus on more critical areas of the surgery and eliminates the risk of mistakes. Hence, one can find the best orthopedic surgeons in Hyderabad who are trained and can be trusted to perform this particular surgery.

One major advantage of using RAOS is that it is a much safer surgical procedure. Robots are not as likely to injure the patient, and they are also able to work in very tight spaces where other surgical instruments cannot go. This makes RAOS an ideal option for surgeries that involve delicate or difficult tissue, such as heart operations or reconstructive surgeries on the face.

Another major advantage of RAOS is that since robots do not require any additional training or experience, they can move more quickly through complicated surgeries than human surgeons can. This can dramatically reduce the amount of time needed for a successful outcome, which is particularly important in cases where there is a short timeline for treatment.

What are the benefits of robotic-assisted surgery?

There are a number of benefits to RAOS, including faster healing, reduced pain and fatigue, and less risk of complications. The technology also allows the orthopaedic surgeons to perform more complex surgeries with greater precision than traditional methods.

With RAOS, faster healing is a major benefit because it reduces the time patients spend recuperating. Reduced pain and fatigue are also significant benefits, as they can lead to more comfortable lives. Finally, robotic surgery is often more precise than traditional methods, which reduces the chances of serious damage or injuries to surrounding anatomy.

What are the risks of robotic-assisted surgery?

There are a few risks of RAOS, but these are generally outweighed by the benefits. For example:

  • There is a small risk of rejection of this surgery graft about less than 1% and can be easily managed;

  • There is also a small risk of infection during the surgery which can also be minimized with good surgical technique and antibiotics;

  • The most common risk associated with raos is the possibility of causing paralysis to the patient because of instrument malfunction or user error.

These risks can be minimized through rigorous training and proper utilization of the robot.


RAOS, performed by the best orthopaedic surgeons in Hyderabad, has many benefits that make it a popular choice for patients. These surgeries are often less invasive, faster, and less painful than traditional surgeries. Additionally, RAOS can be used to correct various deformities of the spine and other joints. Patients who undergo RAOS experience shorter hospital stays, faster recoveries, fewer complications, and reduced reliance on pain medications.