Three Major Instances When You Need an Injury Compensation Lawyer

Author: Georgelis Injury Law Firm

Personal injury cases occur often. If the incident was due to the activities of another individual, you may want to seek compensation for the injuries suffered. Since personal injury cases come in various forms, there’s no "one-approach-solves-all" solution.

To weave through litigations seamlessly and get what's rightfully yours, you'll need to contact one of the best personal injury compensation lawyers in Lancaster, PA.

It isn't mandatory to hire a personal injury lawyer. However, it’s great to have someone with legal knowledge and related experiences review your case. That way, you'll find out if you’ve got a solid case or not

Since no two cases are alike, here are three major instances when you may need to seek injury compensation attorneys in Lancaster, PA:

1. Disputed Accident Liability

To be compensated for your injuries, you need to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the at-fault party is responsible for the accident. However, in a situation where they deny or dispute liability, you'll need to contact an injury compensation lawyer immediately.

The lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to determine how your accident occurred and gather evidence to prove the at-fault party’s involvement.

2. Your Case Involves Multiple Parties

Handling a case involving a single party is something you're capable of dealing with alone. However, when it involves more than one party, it's best to seek aid from legal practitioners.

Some examples of cases involving multiple parties include:

  • Product liability claims
  • Construction accidents
  • Auto accidents involving multiple vehicles
  • Medical malpractices

Lancaster, PA, injury compensation lawyers, are well-versed with cases involving multiple parties. Thus, they’re capable of addressing all case-related issues and will seek compensation from the multiple at-fault parties involved.

3. You Suffered a Traumatic or Life-Changing Injury

Sometimes the injuries you may suffer from a personal injury case may be so severe, causing traumatic and life-changing disabilities. As such, you may require ongoing medical and psychological care.

Also, you may be unable to work for the rest of your life due to the suffered injuries or incur future damages because of your present impairment or disability.

Traumatic injury and life-changing personal injury cases often involve big money settlements. As such, the at-fault party's insurance company will fight aggressively to lower compensation values.

However, by hiring an experienced injury compensation lawyer who understands how to appropriately gauge the value of your pain and sufferings, you can get the maximum possible settlement on your injury claim.

Speak to Experienced Injury Compensation Lawyers

Personal injury cases can be complicated at times. However, regardless of your injury, how it occurred, or other facts surrounding your claim, it’s always best to speak with experienced lawyers.

The injury compensation lawyers at Georgelis Law are the right hands for your claim and will do everything possible to get a positive outcome. To get the ball rolling, contact us today on 717-394-3004.

Frequently Asked Questions What Attributes Should I Consider When Selecting an Injury Compensation Lawyer?

Before hiring an injury compensation attorney on your claim, it'll be best to consider these qualities:

  • Experience
  • Adequate time management
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Great communication and rapport
  • Creativity
  • Perseverance
What's the Time Frame for Successfully Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Lancaster, PA?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Lancaster, PA, is two years. Not filing one during this period will see your claim rejected by legal authorities.